- Fukui Shinji 福井伸二(1908-),日本人,工科教授。
- Mr Fukui is less fretful and fidgety. 福井俊彦没有那么躁动和不安。
- Shinji knew of Aizen's hypnosis ability. 平子清楚蓝染的催眠能力.
- You are a Submissive Introvert, just like the timid Shinji Ikari. 测试结果告诉我我和丽有87%25的协调率,而且很像真嗣。
- Shinji didn't want me, and he didn't want Rei, either, it seemed. 真嗣不想和我在一起,而且也不想和丽在一起,看起来是这样。
- Unit 03 begins its march towards Nerv, and Shinji is dispatched to stop it. 该股3月03开始其对神经和慎派遣制止。
- He has served as a chair of the Election Administration Committee in Fukui prefecture for four years. 他担任福井市选举行政管理委员会的主席四年长官的职务。
- Mr Fukui also provided Mr Murakami, a former industry-ministry bureaucrat, with valuable contacts. 福井还与村上(前工业部官员)进行了一次重要的会晤。
- While other central banks consider cutting rates, the BoJ's governor, Toshihiko Fukui, is itching to raise them. 在其它国家的央行思索削减利率的时候,日本央行行长福井俊彦却想要加息。
- Amid all of this political teeth-gnashing, Mr Fukui has been anxious to wean Japan off its addiction to cheap money. 在全部行政努力中,俊彦先生高度重视断绝日本人对贬值货币的偏好。
- Kondo Shinji and Arima Seiichi provided valuable advice, suggestions, and graciously agreed to read the manuscript. 今度真司,有马正一提供了有价值的忠告和意见,并且爽快地同意阅读我的手稿。
- The delicate issue here is that the head of compliance is the deputy governor, Mr Fukui's underling. 这里,问题的复杂之处在于该委员会的领导是央行副行长,福井的下属。
- TOSHIHIKO FUKUI, the wily governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), would dearly like to raise interest rates. 福井俊彦,老谋深算的日本央行行长,曾经表示加息是”不可避免”的措施。
- No matter what type of land, initially only those with citizenship Ritter Fukui who are eligible to become landowners. )。无论哪一类土地,最初只有 拥有魁里特公民权的人,才有资格成为土地所有者。
- The soft scale, Eulecanium gigantea (Shinji) (Homoptera: Coccoidea; Coccidae) was an important pest in cities of northern China in recent years. 瘤坚大球蚧属同翅目蚧总科蚧科,是我国北方城市林木重要害虫。
- The elite from all walks of life show the British seizing Hongtu Fukui, students learn skills together. 各界精英大展宏图夺英魁,莘莘学子汇聚一堂学本领。
- Fukui feels that it is a unnecessary short-term resolution for the auto-industry to curb... 福井认为,这是一个不必要的短期决议为汽车行业,遏制...
- Neighbours and close friends of the family, Shinji and Sachiko Yasuoka, adopted Shion and taught Shion how to play shougi. 变成了哑女的她,被住在隔壁的将棋棋手的家庭领养。
- Mr Fukui believes the dangers of keeping such a loose monetary policy for so long outweigh any short-term gains, and the sooner “normalcy” is achieved the better. 福井先生相信,与长期保持这种不明智的货币政策所带来的危险相比,任何短期的效益都显得得不偿失,(货币政策)越早“正常化”越好。
- But this past May a group of Japanese geneticists led by Shinji Hirotsune of the Saitama Medical School reported their discovery of the first functional pseudogene. 不过2003年5月,由日本埼玉医科大学遗传学家广常真治所领导的团队,报告说他们发现了第一个具有功能的伪基因。