- 半Fredholm算子Semi-Fredholm operator
- 算子operator
- Fredholm算子Fredholm operator
- 算子下半Fredholm序列operator lower-semi Fredholm sequence
- Fredholm标准fredholm criteria
- Fredholm指标Fredholm index
- 卜算子Song Of Divination
- Fredholm定理Fredholm theorem
- Fredholm方程Fredholm equations
- δ算子δ-operator
- Fredholm映射Fredholm map
- "或非" 算子NOR operator
- Fredholm性质Fredholm property
- 谱算子spectral operator
- Fredholm理论Fredolm theory
- 流形上的偏微分算子partial differential operator on manifold
- 第二类FredholmFredholm integeral equations of the second kind
- M-生长算子M-accretive operator
- 弱Fredholm方程weak Fredholm equation
- 伴算子adjoint operator