- The results indicated that the fracture mode is the fatigue failure. 结果表明,其断裂形式为弯曲疲劳断裂。
- At all given LCF testing conditions, transgranular cracking was the dominant fracture mode. 低周疲劳破断面显示,在所有的测试条件下,三种热处理状态的疲劳破裂型式均为穿晶模式。
- The translamellar fracture and interlamellar fracture are the dominant fracture mode and the crack path is very rough. 在整个断裂过程中断裂是穿层断裂和沿层断裂的混合体,裂纹路径较曲折。
- The fracture mode of SPS sintered molybdenum belongs to brittle intercrystalline fracture. SPS烧结钼的断口呈沿晶断裂,属于脆性断裂。
- Except for a small length of web at the first fracture location, none of the cracks exhibited a brittle fracture mode of crack propagation. 除第一个断裂位置的一小段腹板外,没有一条裂纹显示出裂纹扩展的脆性断裂模式。
- The fracture mode changed from quasi-cleavage plus cleavage obtaioed from conventional treatment to quasi-cleavage plus dimple. 微观断口由常规工艺的准解理加解理断裂变为准解理加韧?断裂。
- The results show that the fracture mode of blade is vibration fatigue and the main cause of initiation of fatigue crack is the mismatch between rabbet and tongue-and-groove. 结果表明,叶片的断裂模式为振动疲劳,叶片榫头与榫槽配合不当是萌生疲劳裂纹的主要原因。
- The penetrating course of penetrating steel target of small caliber artilleryis analyzed,meanwhile the typical fracture mode of vertical penetrationof hollow projectiles is found. 分析了小口径火炮侵彻钢靶的侵彻过程;得到了带空腔弹丸高速垂直侵彻钢板的典型破坏模式.
- By analyzing the force on the body as well as the fracture mode,and further adopting corresponding preventive methods,problems in machining process can be effectively solved. 通过对坯体受力情况和破坏形式的分析,采取相应防范措施,有效地解决了该材料机加工中出现的问题。
- The corrosion resistance of different Fe-Si intermetallics with different phases in molten aluminum under different temperature was tested,and the fracture mode was analyzed. 对不同相的铁硅金属间化合物套管在熔融铝液中进行了不同温度的耐熔铝腐蚀性测试,并观察其断口形貌。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Tensile fracture of the SiCw/Al Li composite is in the transgranular dimple type. The fracture mode does not change from transgranular to intergranular with aging time, which always exists in Al Li alloys. SiCw/Al-Li复合材料的拉伸断口呈穿晶韧窝状,不存在通常Al-Li合金中因时效引起的断口形貌由穿晶型向沿晶型过渡的现象
- The flexural strength reaches 1?980 MPa,the impact energy is up to 18 J/cm~2 and the hardness achieves 50.In view of the feature of the fracture surface,the matrix shows obviously dimple feature while the fracture mode of high alloyed layer is brittle. 双层烧结铁基材料综合了高合金层和基体层的优点,抗弯强度达1 980 MPa,冲击韧性达18 J/cm2,洛氏硬度为50。
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- The main fracture modes of RWPHC included pullout of glass fiber, broken of glass fiber and interfacial debonding. 玻璃纤维增强木塑复合材料的主要破坏模式为玻璃纤维的拔出、玻璃纤维断裂、界面脱粘等。
- He changed his whole mode of life. 他改变了整个生活方式。
- The fracture mechanism of 2024 aluminium alloy without CeO2 is quasi-cleavage and dimples,the main fractographic appearances are brittle and toughness,while the fracture mode of alloy is ductile fracture with some addition of CeO2. 当未添加CeO2时,2024铝合金断口表面呈准解理和韧窝状态,表现为脆性与韧性结合的混合断裂特征,而添加一定量的CeO时,合金呈现出塑性断裂特征。
- The fracture mode of as-rolled and solution treated TiMoSn alloys is ductile fracture with the appearance of necking down, and the main characterisitic of broken cross-section is dimple. 轧态及固溶态TiMoSn合金的断裂方式都为延性断裂,断裂过程中出现了颈缩现象,断口主要特征为大小不等的韧窝形态。
- The varying laws of fracture modes and physical mechanism of some metal materials under different complex stress fields are investigated. 考察了几种金属材料在不同复杂应力场下的断裂形式及物理机制的变化规律。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。