- Byzantine general under Emperor Justinian I who led campaigns against the barbarians in North Africa and Italy. 贝里萨留斯查士丁尼一世大帝部下的拜占庭将军,他率领了反击北部非洲野蛮人和意大利的战役
- A digest of Roman civil law, compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century a.d. and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis. 罗马法典罗马公民法汇编,是在公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑的,是《国法大全》的一部分
- A digest of Roman civil law, compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century a.d.and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis. 罗马法典罗马公民法汇编,是在公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑的,是《国法大全》的一部分
- It happened about 500-550 AD as Roman Emperor Justinian was attempting to rebuild and acquire more land for the Roman Empire. 它发生于大约公元500?550年,当时罗马帝国的皇帝贾斯蒂尼安正试图重建罗马帝国、获取更多的土地。
- Emperor Justinian bribed two Persian monks who hadlived in China to return there and bring back silkworm eggs bysecreting them in hollow bamboo canes. 查士丁尼皇帝贿赂了两个曾在中国居住的波斯僧侣,让他们返回中国,然后偷偷地在空心的竹手杖里带一些蚕卵回来。
- During the Samaritan revolt of 529, Bethlehem was sacked and its walls and the Church of the Nativity destroyed, but they were soon rebuilt on the orders of the Emperor Justinian. 在公元529年撒马利亚人反抗期间,伯利恒被洗劫,它的城墙和耶稣出生地的教堂被毁,但它们在君士坦丁皇帝的命令下很快得到了重建。
- The present structure, which is entirely fireproof, was built in 532?7 by Emperor Justinian from designs of his imperial architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. 现代的建筑,完全地防火,532年由东罗马皇帝尢斯提连建造,由他的皇室建筑师来设计。
- While serving in the bodyguard of Emperor Justinian I, he was appointed (c. 525) to command in the eastern armies, and he defeated the Persians in the Battle of Dara (530). 原为皇帝查士丁尼一世的贴身侍卫,西元525年左右被任命为东部军队指挥,530年在达拉战役打败波斯人。
- The Byzantine emperor Justinian issued an edict against the Manichaeans, and Saint Augustine, who for 9 years had been a Manichee, wrote and spoke against this heresy, as well as described his own experience in his Confessions. 拜占庭帝国君主查斯丁尼颁布发令,反对摩尼教,圣奥古斯丁,有九年时间是摩尼教徒,口头和书面上反对这种异端,他的《忏悔录》也描写了自己的经历。
- That emperor was a cruel despot. 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- Byzantine general under Emperor Justinian I who led campaigns against the barbarians in North Africa and Italy 贝里萨留斯查士丁尼一世大帝部下的拜占庭将军,他率领了反击北部非洲野蛮人和意大利的战役
- Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
- They dethroned the last emperor. 他们罢免了最後一个皇帝。
- a digest of Roman civil law,compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century A.D. and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis 罗马公民法汇编,公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑,是《国法大全》的一部分
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty. 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。
- 18.The Byzantine Emperor Justinian made brilliant achievements in the domestic and foreign things, but his religion policy ended in defeat. 拜占廷皇帝查士丁尼在内政外交方面功绩卓著,但他的宗教政策却以失败告终。