- Einstein度量Einstein manifold
- Kahler-Einstein度量Bergman metric
- 对植物和动物育种家具有经济价值的大多数性状是一些度量性状。Most characters of economic value to plant and animal breeders are metric characters.
- 空气压力用气压计度量。Air pressure is measured by a barometer.
- 扩散过程沿Schwartz二阶型的速度的Einstein关系(英文)Einstein Relations of Velocities of Diffusions Along Schwartz's 2 forms
- 广度量extensive variable
- Einstein法Einstein method
- 单位和度量Units and measurements
- Einstein循环Einstein cycle
- 由度量routing metrics
- Einstein流形Einstein manifold
- 度量元Metric
- Einstein转盘Einstein rotating disc
- 沈度量Shen metric
- Einstein级数Einstein series
- 每个维必须使用来自度量对象的一个聚合函数进行聚合。Each dimension must be aggregated using one aggregation function from the measure object.
- 轴对称Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion黑洞熵与能斯特定理The Nernst Theorem and Entropy of the AxisymmetricEinstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion Black Hole
- 比特度量bit metric
- Einstein场方程Einstein field equation
- 电阻是以欧姆为单位度量的。Resistance is measured in ohm.