- Education study for life 面向生活的教育研究
- Develop the education of the elderly is the exigent demand to construct harmonious society and build the society of civil study and study for life. 发展老年教育,是构建和谐社会,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的迫切要求。
- A good education should equip you for life. 有良好的教育能受用终生。
- His father's money left Jim well set up for life. 吉姆的父亲给他留下一大笔钱,足以供他生活一辈子。
- She shuts herself in her study for hours. 她一个人关在书房里一呆就是几个小时。
- The scandal branded him for life. 这件丑事使他终生蒙受耻辱。
- Her zest for life is as great as ever. 她对生活的极大乐趣一如既往。
- A good education will equip you for life. 良好的教育会使你终身受益。
- The accident lamed her for life. 那次事故使她终身残废了。
- The terrible experience had scarred him for life. 这一可怕的经历给他留下了终身的创伤。
- The accident disfigured him for life. 那次事故使他毁容,终生无法恢复。
- He is a photographer for life magazine. 他是《生活》杂志的摄影师。
- Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here. 多年在非洲工作使他不适应这儿的生活。
- The old sailor longed for life ashore. 老水手渴望过陆上生活。
- A good education will equip us for life. 好的教育会使我们终身受益。
- I want to study for a doctorate. 我想去攻读博士学位。
- The head injury deafened her for life. 她头部受伤以致终身耳聋。
- At the mention of education,most people consider it as a study for a whole life. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。
- A good education will equip us for life . 好的教育会使我们终身受益。
- We studied for final exams for hours on end. 我们连续花了好几小时准备期末考。