- Which IP strategy should China carries out in the Intellectual Economic Times? 知识经济时代:我国知识产权战略何去何从?
- The bipartisanship is a factor of the economic times, Busch said Thursday. 在两党合作的一个因素是经济时代,布什星期四说。
- Publishers hailed Jesus Christ and Harry Potter on Tuesday as saviors of their industry in tough economic times. 在经济形势较为严峻的今天,所有的出版商都由衷地感谢两位拯救了他们的英雄--耶酥基督和哈里·波特。
- All kidding us aside, in these shaky economic times, the rich have money problems too. “无可奈何花落去”,在经济波动时期,有钱人同样被钱的问题困扰。
- But a congressman says colleges have increased their prices in both good and bad economic times. 但一位众议员认为大学在经济好或不好的情况下都在涨价。
- I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown, during uncertain economic times. 在经济不稳定的年代,我害怕离开这里的保护罩到未知的地方去。
- "Wireless search blowout economic times coming, I believe 3G will be launched in the past. "Zhu Bo said excitedly. “无线搜索经济的井喷时代即将到来,我相信会在3G上马以前。”朱波兴奋地说。
- Germans are putting themselves on a modern-day "austerity diet", as a new cookbook for tough economic times has become a bestseller almost overnight. 一本新近出版的,旨在指导人们如何应对严峻经济形势的菜谱居然几乎在一夜之间就登上了畅销书排行榜,这说明德国人正在努力适应一种现代意义上的“俭朴”饮食。
- In a year of harder economic times and sensitive political anniversaries, the authorities are especially edgy. 在经济困难、敏感政治纪年颇多的今年,中国当局尤其暴躁敏感。
- This may seem unsurprising.Stressful economic times almost invariably fuel political support for inflationary policies. 这也许并不奇怪:经济不景气的年代,通货膨胀倾向的政策总是受到支持。
- I should ask the operator when the most economical time would be. 我应向话务员问清何时打电话最便宜。
- It is a measure of the temper of our economic times that this kind of talk now passes for reassuring. 这是缓和当前经济现状的手段,传播这种说法也可以让人们安心一点。
- Even in good economic times, LCCs have been taking a rising share of intra-Asian travel. 即使在良好的经济时代,LCCS系统已采取一个比例增加的亚洲内旅行。
- "Whether we're in good economic times or bad economic times, labor is not the problem, labor is part of the solution. 不管我们所处的经济状况是好是坏,劳动力都不是问题,劳动力是解决经济萧条的部分措施。
- But worsening economic times have seen commodity prices plummeting from record highs. 但是,恶化的经济时期已经见证了日用品价格从最高记录急剧下滑。
- Our Thursday published a list of ways you could fatten the wallet up a bit even during harsh economic times. 我们星期四推出了一系列的方法教会你在紧急最困难时期,你也可以填鼓你的钱包。
- In tough economic times, fans of ideology argue, it can help to explain change and maintain social cohesion. 在经济困难时期,意识形态狂们认为,他们的思想可以有助于解释变革,维护社会团结。
- Q. In these tough economic times, why would anyone put his or her job at risk by slacking off? 问:经济如此困顿,为何还有人懈怠,让自己的饭碗岌岌可危?
- This is not the notional game of be deliberately mystifying, however a new economic times emerge as the times require. 这不是故弄玄虚的概念游戏,而是一个新的经济时代应运而生。为了开辟新的市场,我们应感受它、研究它,创造感觉产品与价值,重新确定自己的战略。
- Instructor Frankie Yip led a group of students to design software for public use which was featured in Hong Kong Economic Times newspaper. 由叶剑锋导师带领学生为公众设计一套网上书签软件,香港经济日报亦有专题特写介绍。