- 术method
- 术后postoperative
- 体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)ESWL
- 切除术resection
- ESWL治疗肾结石的远期复发随访Long-term Recurrence of Kidney Stone after ESWL Treatment
- 不学无术be ignorant and incompetent
- ESWL治疗上尿路结石的远期复发率Long-term recurrence rate in the treatmnet of urethral stone with ESWL
- ESWL急诊治疗绞痛性输尿管结石体会Therapeutic effect of ESWL in the emergency treatment of anginal ureterolith
- 苍术rhizoma atractylodis
- 经ESWL治疗肾结石并发输尿管石街的防治The Ureter Stone-Street Complication after ESWL-treatment of Kidney Stone
- 秘术occult sciences
- ESWL联合开放取石治疗鹿角形孤立性肾结石Treatment of ESWL Combined With Calculusremoved Operation on Solitary Antler-like Calculus of Kidney
- 相术anthroposcopy
- 球面压电陶瓷型ESWL的冲击波聚焦点对球心的偏移Deviation of the Factual Focus of Spherical Piezoelectric ESWL from the Spherical Center
- 摄影术photography
- 输尿管气囊导管配合ESWL治疗输尿管中上段结石的体会An experience of Eswl with Ureteral Balloon Catheters for the Treatment of Middle and Upper Ureteral Stones(Report of 25 Cases)
- 胆囊切除术cholecystotomy
- ESWL治疗 68例 ; mini PCNL治疗 3 3例 ,4例联合ESWL ;68 cases were treated with ESWL,33 with mini-P CNL,and 4 cases with residual stone fragments were treated with min-PCNL and ES WL.
- 仙术theurgy