- ESL写作教学Teaching of ESL - writing
- 形成性评估在中国大学非英语专业英语写作教学中的运用Implementation of Formative Evaluation in an EFL Writing Course for Chinese College Non-Language Majors
- 写作教学writing teaching
- 写作教学的一个重要环节是帮助学生寻找自我与生活的契合点。An important step in writing teaching is to help students search for the correspondency of themselves and their real lives.
- 过程写作法的系统研究及其对大学英语写作教学改革的启示A Systematic Study of Process Approach and Its Implications for the Teaching Reforms of College English Writing
- 此外研究还证明,学生非常欢迎这一新的写作教学手段。And according to the study, students did welcome peer response as a new approach to helping them with their writing.
- EFL写作教学teaching of EFL writing
- 写作教学理论composition - teaching theories
- 英语写作教学English writing teaching
- 应用写作教学applied writing teaching
- 写作教学模式model of the teaching of writing
- 大学写作教学College Writing Course
- 外语写作教学EFL writing
- 英文写作教学English writing teaching
- 诗歌写作教学poem-writing teaching
- 二语写作教学second language writing teaching
- 写作教学方法teaching method of writing
- 传统写作教学traditional composition teaching
- 应用文写作教学teaching of practical writing
- 写作教学新模式new classroom writing mode