- EMD产业EMD industry
- 电解二氧化锰(EMD)产业以资源和能源消耗高、废水和废渣排放量大等为特征。Electrolytic manganese dioxide(EMD) industry had the characteristics of high consuming of ores and energy sources as well as large amount of waste water and residue.
- 对于她产业的合法继承权将有一场争论。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.
- 他已扩充他的产业。He has aggrandized his estate.
- EMDEmpirical Mode Decomposition(EMD)
- 无继承人的产业a vacant estate
- EMD距离earth mover's distance
- EMD方法EMD method
- 这一产业当时仍处于发展初期。The industry was still in its infancy.
- EMD分解empirical mode decomposition
- 这份产业被分成了很小的一份份遗产。The estate was sliced up into very small bequests.
- 二维EMD2-D EMD
- 继承一份产业accede to an estate
- 嵌套EMDnested EMD
- 产业结构调整成效明显。Notable results were achieved in the readjustment of the industrial structure.
- EMD基因EMD gene
- 大力发展旅游业和文化产业。The tourism industry and cultural industries need to be greatly expanded.
- EMD测量EMD measure
- 推行清洁生产,发展环保产业。We will introduce clean production methods and develop the environmental protection industry.
- 基于EMD的冲击信号提取方法及其在设备故障诊断中的应用EMD based impulse identification and its application in friction fault diagnosis of rotating machine