- Geese fatty liver (foie gras) mainly results from a huge storage of newly synthesized triglycerides (TG) from dietary carbohydrates in response to overfeeding. 超饲养富含碳水化合物日粮使肝脏中新生甘油三酯(TG)异常沉积是鹅肥肝形成的主要原因;
- Jamieson Laboratories (Canada) Carb &Fat Burner 90 capsules Slim Down Helps suppress appetites,accelerate metabolism, enchance fat burning and effectively convert dietary carbohydrates into energy. 有效减低食欲,加速新陈代谢,迅速燃烧脂肪及分解碳水化合物。本产品纯天然配方主要成份为滕黄果、柠檬酸、柯拉果,不含西药成份。
- Fish fed glucose diet had significantly higher plasma glucose and triglyceride than fish fed dextrin diet.Hepatic hexokinase (HK) activities were not affected by the different dietary carbohydrates. 吴郭鱼之肝脏肝糖含量随饲料中葡萄糖含量增加而增加,血糖及三酸甘油酯浓度则以葡萄糖组高于糊精组,且当饲料中糊精或葡萄糖含量增加时,血糖浓度随之上升。
- Recent research has focused on modifiable risk factors such as dietary glycemic index (GI; a measure of the rapidity of carbohydrate absorption) and glycemic load (GL; a measure of the total glycemic effect of dietary carbohydrates). 最近的研究注重调整危险因素,例如血糖指数(GI;碳水化合物吸收速度指标)和血糖负荷(GL;饮食中碳水化合物对总体血糖的影响指标)。
- The apparent digestibility of dietary carbohydrate were 59.26%,98.52%,98.59%,57.37%,respectively,in grass carp by AIA 4N method . 用AIA4N法测草鱼对四种饲料中相应碳水化合物的表观消化率,分别为59.;26%25、98
- UT Southwestern researchers studied mice with an engineered gene for CRP that was under the regulation of a second gene responsie to changes in dietary carbohydrate intake. UT西南医学中心的研究者们研究了转CRP基因的小鼠,这种小鼠的CRP可以通过规定的碳水化合物摄取来进行二级的基因调节。
- Dietary carbohydrates 饲料碳水化合物
- Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy. 碳水化合物给我们的身体提供热量和能量。
- Fig 5. Mechanism of action of dietary fiber and undigested carbohydrates in increasing faecal weight. 图5.;饲粮纤维及不可被消化多醣类促进粪便排出量之机制。
- Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates, dietary fiber, oligosaccharides and generous helpings of vitamin A and C. 地瓜富含醣类、膳食纤维,以及寡糖类跟丰富的维生素A跟C。
- Sugars and starcher are carbohydrates. 糖和淀粉是碳水化合物。
- The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen. 医生强制一套严格的饮食起居制度。
- You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates. 你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。
- I'm trying to cut down on carbohydrates. 我现在尽量少吃含碳水化合物的食物。
- Carbohydrates contain choral carbon atoms. 碳水化合物含有手性碳原子
- The low carbohydrates moon cake with pumpkin. 低糖南瓜月饼。
- Bad dietary habits often interfere with health. 不良的饮食习惯常常妨碍健康。
- The liver not only is the receptor of dietary fat. 肝脏是日粮脂肪的接受者。
- The plant uses the carbohydrates to make cellulose. 植物用碳水化合物制造纤维素。