- The pact was sealed between Permanent Secretary for Defence Chiang Chie Foo and PLA's Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotian. 新加坡国防部常任秘书郑子富与中国人民解放军总参谋部副主席中将马晓天共同签署该协议.
- Deputy Chief of General Staff: martin von orelli 副总参谋长:马丁·冯·奥雷利
- First Deputy Chief of General Staff 第一副总参谋长
- File photo of Zhang Qinsheng, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the PLA 解放军副总参谋长章沁生的资料图片
- Deputy Chiefs of General Staff 副总参谋长
- Zhang Qingsheng, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of China's army said he would attend a meeting in Washington in September to finalize the agreement. 中国人民解放军副总参谋长章沁生称将在9月份去华盛顿参加一个会谈并将此协议最终确定下来。
- Deputy Chief of the General Staff in the Field 战地陆军副参谋长
- Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff 帝国总参谋部副参谋长
- deputy chief of the general staff 副参谋总长
- Lieut.Gen.Chen Bingde, Chief of General Staff of the People's Liberation Army of China on December 4. 他们还同意加强交流的军事代表团在各级建立和维持与军事有关的对话。
- Gen.Nguyen Khac Nghien and Sen.Lieut.Gen.Chen Bingde, Chief of General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army of China on December 4. 与中国的解放军总参谋长陈炳德上将在12月4日双方会谈来访上签定的。
- the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces 俄武装部队第一副总参谋长
- the first deputy chief of the general staff of the Russian armed force 俄军第一副总参谋长
- After the enemy came to grief at both places,the Japanese minister of war arrived on an inspection tour and the chief of general staff turned up to take charge,and for the moment,it seemed,there was co-ordination. 两处都触了霉头之后,于是陆军大臣来巡视了,参谋总长来指挥了,算是暂时地协调了一下。
- After the enemy came to grief at both places, the Japanese minister of war arrived on an inspection tour and the chief of general staff turned up to take charge, and for the moment, it seemed, there was co-ordination. 两处都触了霉头之后,于是陆军大臣来巡视了,参谋总长来指挥了,算是暂时地协调了一下。
- International reports on-line (Zhi-Min Wang reporter): Serbian President Tadic in Belgrade on the 12th met with visiting Chief of General Staff of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Chen Bingde. 国际在线报道(记者王智敏):塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇12日在贝尔格莱德总统府会见了到访的中国人民解放军总参谋长陈炳德上将。
- Management Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications Electronics and Information Management Division, Office of the Deputy CGS for Communications, Electronics and Information 通信电子资讯参谋次长室通资电管理处
- Planning Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information Planning Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information 通信电子资讯参谋次长室通资电计画处
- Policy development Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications Electronics and Information Policy development Division, Office of the Deputy CGS for Communications, Electronics and Information 通信电子资讯参谋次长室政策发展处
- Nominally, Mr Rove is the deputy chief of staff; in practice, he is far more powerful than that. 名义上,罗夫(首席政治顾问)是副总管,实际上他的作用远超于此。