- DNA证据技术DNA evidence technology
- DNA证据DNA evidence
- 证据proof
- 辩方证人对DNA证据提出了各种各样的异议。Defense witnesses mount various objections to DNA evidence.
- Castro这个案件是历史上排除DNA证据的第一个案件。Castro is the first case in history of where DNA evidence was excluded.
- 我们缺少技术工人。We are short of skilled labor.
- 涉及到DNA证据的一个很著名的案件是United States v.A notable example in a case involving DNA was United States v.
- 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills.
- 证据的evidentiary
- 随着时间的流逝,对DNA证据可采性攻击的焦点已经转变了。The focus of the attacks on admissibility have changed over time.
- 提供证据production of evidence
- DNA克隆技术DNA clone
- 律师发现了有关此案件的新证据。The lawyer unearthed some new evidence concerning the case.
- DNA琼脂技术DNA-agar technique
- DNA指纹技术DNA finger-printing technique
- DNA证人技术DNA Witness
- 到1994年秋季,11个州通过法令要求在法庭上采纳DNA证据。By the Fall of 1994, eleven states had statutes mandating the admissibility of DNA evidence.
- DNA分析技术DNA analytic technique
- 新技术/证据的出现the emergence of new technologies/evidence
- 从不同生物体中切分DNA分子重新组合以在体外准备重组DNA的技术the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism