- DNA分子克隆DNA molecular cloning
- DNA分子克隆库DNA library
- 库storehouse
- 腺病毒基因组DNA的分子克隆Molecular Cloning of Adenoviruses'Genomic DNA
- 克隆库clone bank
- 体细胞杂种克隆库somatic cell hybrid clone panel
- cDNA分子克隆eDNA
- 图库gallery
- DNA分子DNA molecule
- 基因的分子克隆及序列分析Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Bombyx mori snf Gene
- DNA分子瓦DNA tile
- DNA分子标记DNA molecular marker
- 毛叶枣APETALA1基因的分子克隆初报Primary Study on Molecular Cloning of APETALA1 Gene from Ber
- DNA分子重组DNA recombination
- 一种家蚕胚胎发育因子的分子克隆及分析In Silico Cloning of the BmEDF Gene in Silkworm, Bombyx mori
- DNA分子诊断DNA molecular diagnosis
- 牛IgG高亲和力受体的分子克隆及序列分析Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of High Affinity Fc Receptor for Bovine IgG
- DNA分子的合成synthesis of DNA molecules
- 昆明小鼠无毛基因cDNA全长序列的分子克隆Molecular Cloning of Full-long cDNA Sequences Encoding Hairless Gene in the Kunming Mouse
- 环状单链DNA分子circular single-stranded DNA