- DCS系统UPS电源配置Setting Of UPS Power To DCS System
- 数据交换系统UPS供电电源的配置及其故障分析UPS Power Supply for Data Exchange System and its Breakdown Analysis
- 配置to deploy
- 地铁信号系统电源配置方案探讨Discussion of Power Supply Scheme in Metro Signalling System
- 德兴铜矿大山选矿厂磨浮自动化系统中PLC系统与DCS系统的通讯Realize the communication between the automation system of PLC and DCS in Dashan Mill Run Factory
- 通信电源配置方法corresponding by letter the power supply installs method
- 配置文件configuration files
- 尿素DCS系统优化与完善Optimization and improvement of DCS in urea plant
- 生态系统ecological system
- UPS电源的使用与维护The use and maintenance of UPS power supply
- 免疫系统immunologic system
- 资源配置the distribution (allocation) of resources
- 电力系统electric power system
- 标准配置standard layout
- 备用UPS电源的使用和维护Use and maintenance of UPS reserve power supply
- 神经系统nervous system
- 电脑系统computer system
- 配置表configuration table
- 电气系统electrical system