- D组为轻度。Group D has light.
- D组为传统禁食组,即12 h禁食,4 h禁饮。Group D were fasting 12 hours and fasting in liquid 4 hours before operation.
- D组为护理干预组,对患者进行系统健康教育。Patients in group D were given nursing care intervention and health education.
- 低血糖事件分别为22%和14%,大部分为轻度。Hypoglycemia incidences were 22%25 and 14%25 in Gansulin 30R and Novolin 30R respectively, most events were mild.
- NOS免疫组化显示,B组和C组有阳性结果,D组为阴性。The results of NOS indicated that both group B and C were positive, group D was negative.
- 巢湖西半湖处于中度富营养状态,东半湖处于中营养状态,全湖平均为轻度富营养。The western half of Chao Lake is at medium eutrophication level. The eastern half is at medium nutrient level. The average figure of the entire Lake is at light eutrophication level.
- LST细胞株的组织来源为轻度不典型增生绒毛状腺瘤。The LST cell strain derived from villous adenoma displayed various atypical hyperplasia.
- D组难度D group of difficulties
- D组染色体D group chromosome
- 8例外伤性ED中,2例腰椎骨折患者的NPT表现为轻度动脉供血不足;Among 8 patients with injure induced ED, 2 patients who were lumbar fracture having light reduction of blood flow NPT.
- IFO组镜下血尿发生率为12.5%(4/32),CTX组为0(P<0.05)。The bloody urine rate was ~12.5%25 (4/32) in ICE group and 0(0/29) in CCE group(P<0.05).
- D组于心肌恢复灌注 30分钟内给与L 精氨酸 2 0 0mg/kg。L Arg(200mg/kg) was administered into blood at the beginning of perfusion and finished in 30min in D group.
- 第二类为轻度次品,例如针脚不匀、锁边不当,这些次品不会使衣服卖不出去。The second type are minor defects,such as uneven stitches and improper hemming,which will not make the garments unsalable.
- NADPH-d组化NADPH-d histochemistry
- 组为获胜组。Group A the winning team.
- D组三体综合征D trisomy
- 标记新闻组为已读Mark Newsgroup read
- D组单纯化疗。group D: Simple chemotherapy.
- 非感染组为12.5%。OND, OB were present 12.5%25.
- 肝组织HE染色显示,D组假小叶明显减少,汇管区炎症明显减轻。HE staining of liver indicated that pseudlobes and inflammation were decreased obviously in group D;