- D型魏氏梭菌Cl.Perfringens Type D
- A型魏氏梭菌clostridium peffringens type A
- C型魏氏梭菌C-type Clostridium wechii
- A型魏氏梭菌苗clostridium perfrinens type A strain
- D型产气荚膜梭菌Clostridium perfringens type D
- 疫苗0.6ml、2ml和4ml的剂量可以分别保护小鼠、兔和猪抵抗标准A型魏氏梭状芽孢杆菌毒素1MLD的攻击。A dose of 0.6ml,2ml and 4ml of the vaccine protected mice, rabbits and pigs respectively against challenge of 1 MLD of toxin of the type culture of C. welchii type A.
- 闭环D型closed-loop D-type
- D型人格量表Type D Personality Scale
- 鹿魏氏梭菌制苗菌株生物学特性的研究Study on Biological Characteristic of Vaccine Strains of Deer Clostridium Welchii
- D型施工便梁Type-D make-shift beam for construction
- 牙梭菌[医] Fusiformis dentium
- 骨折按Denis分型A型9例,B型68例,C型27例,D型16例,E型12例。In these 132 cases,according to Denis classification,there were 9 cases of type A,68 cases of type B,27 cases of type C,16 cases of type C and 12 cases of type E.
- 魏氏角Welcher's angle
- 透明梭菌Clostridium hyalinum
- 胺溶季胺铜-D型amine copper quat-type D (ACQ-D)
- 魏氏法Wei Shi methods
- 希氏梭His' spindle
- 胺溶铜季铵盐-D型amine copper quat-type D
- 腐败梭菌clostridium septicum
- 魏氏杆菌[医] Achalme's bacillus