- Cyclone-磷感屏成像系统Cyclone Storage Phosphor System
- 系统system
- 增感屏牙片成像效果不佳的原因分析Reasons for the poor quality imaging with the intensifying screen of dental film
- 新型宽域X线增感屏的研制Develop of a New Wide-range X-ray Intensifying Screen
- 系统的systemic
- 屏reject
- 感兴趣be interested
- 信息系统information system
- 防粘性医用X线增感屏的研制和临床应用The Experimental Study and Clinical Application of Protective Adherent Intensifying Screen of Medical X-ray
- 一种基于新颖的CMOS有源像素图像传感器的微型星敏感器成像系统的实现方法A Kind of Design Method of Subminiature Star Sensor's Imagine System Based on a Novel CMOS Active Pixel Sensor
- RS-232串口通信技术在光纤共焦扫描显微成像系统中的应用Application of RS-232 Serial Communication in Fiber-optic Confocal Scanning Microscope
- 射线实时成像系统与传统射线照相的可靠性对比试验及分析The Comparison Test and Analysis of Reliability between Radiographic Real-time Imaging System and Traditional Radiographic Testing
- 结论增感屏的荧光扩散、屏胶接触不良、X线斜射效应、屏结构斑点、摄片技术及暗室操作方式等,是引起增感屏牙片影像清晰度降低、颗粒性变差、伪影增多等成像效果不佳的主要原因。Conclusion The spread of fluorescent light from screen, poor screen film contact, effect of oblique projection of X ray, fleck on screen structure, radiographic technique and film process results in the decrease of image definition, poor grain of the film, more artifacts.
- X光成像系统X-ray imaging system
- CCD成像系统CCD imaging system
- 在增感屏-胶片-药水系统广泛的设计和制造经验基础之上研制而成,因此,柯达药水在诊断可信度、工作流程、健康、安全、环境和收益率等方面上均可获得令人满意的效果。Developed based on extensive experience in designing and manufacturing screen-film-chemical systems, KODAK Chemicals favorably impact diagnostic confidence; workflow; health, safety and environmental issues; and your bottom line.
- 实时电阻抗断层成像系统对离体心脏充盈模型成像的初步结果Prelinimary image results of in vitro heart perfusion model by real-time electrical impedance tomography
- 成像系统的探讨On Approach of Imaging System
- X射线成像系统X-ray imaging system
- 复眼成像系统compound eye imaging system