- ClO2消毒粉剂three components Chlorine Dioxide disinfection powder
- ClO2消毒ClO2 disinfection
- ClO2chlorine dioxide
- 护士用纱布蘸了消毒水洗伤口。The nurse sponged the wound with an antiseptic.
- ClO2漂白chlorine dioxide bleaching
- 气态ClO2chlorine dioxide gas
- 他用消毒药水冲洗伤口。He washed the wound with a disinfectant.
- 固载ClO2chlorine dioxide of solid carrier
- 游泳池的水用氯消毒了吗?Is the swimming-pool chlorinated?
- ClO2氧化ClO2 oxidation
- ClO2气体Chlorine dioxide gas
- 消毒餐具to scald tableware
- ClO2处理ClO2 process
- 给便所消毒to sanitize the toilet
- ClO2投加量ClO2 dosage
- 消毒剂能消毒。Disinfectant disinfects.
- 稳定性ClO2stabilized chlorine dioxide
- 蒸盘子使消毒to sweat plates
- ClO2制备装置chlorine dioxide generator
- 用含氯或者氯化物的消毒水消毒。disinfection of water by the addition of small amounts of chlorine or a chlorine compound.