- Circuit Inspection Office 巡检司
- Do your inspection officer find anything negative in them? 你们的检查官员有没有发现任何不良情况?
- So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office, part of the labour ministry. 而劳动基准监督署(厚生劳动省的一个部门)也这样认为。
- The Procuratorial Supervision and Inspection Office shall have one Director, two Deputy Directors and several staffers. 检务督察室设主任一名、副主任二名、工作人员若干名。
- Apply security and inspection office for adding fire extinguishers in the chemical laboratory, and make a security caution. 向安检办申请,在化学实验室增加消防灭火器,并对其作出安全警示标识。
- We have recently received a new rule from Dayao Bay Quarantine Inspection Office regarding vessel’s radio pratique.According to the new rule. 最近,我们收到大窑湾检验检疫局关于船舶无线电检疫的一项新规定。
- Based on introduction to basic principle and function of the multiplex communication system, inspection method is compared with traditional circuit inspection through a case of fault on TOYOTA. 介绍多路传输通讯系统基本原理及功能,通过丰田汽车故障实例,将多路传输通讯系统检修方法与传统汽车电路检修方法进行了比较。
- The port drug inspection office shall determine the methods jointly with the inspection application entity upon discussion in order to get representative samples. 口岸药品检验所应当与报验单位共同议定变更方法,以便抽取代表性样品。
- This article gives detailed introduction of a series of technical measures taken by Fujian Longyan Products Supervision and Inspection Office in cement products practice in 2007. 文章详细介绍了福建省龙岩市产品质量监督检验所在2007年的产品抽检中,为确保检测结果的真实性,所采取的一系列技术措施。
- After any other veterinary drug is imported, the local veterinary administration shall notify the veterinary drug inspection office to make a random inspection on it. 其他兽药进口后,由当地兽医行政管理部门通知兽药检验机构进行抽查检验。
- The sergeant brought the guards to attention and saluted the inspection officer. 中士令卫队立正并向检阅官敬礼。
- Should the packing material be found insect infestation by Quarantine Inspection Office at the port of destination, the Seller shall bear the cost of fumigation or replacement of the packing. 如果货物运达目的地后,包装材料被检验检疫部门发现虫子,卖方应该承担熏蒸的费用或者替换包装的费用。
- integrated circuit inspection microscope 集成电路检查用显微镜
- You know, the goods were inspected by the Commodities Inspection Office before shipment. 你知道,这批货物在装船前是经过商品检验局检验的。
- For narcotics and psychotropic drugs, after the port drug inspection office has completed the sampling, it shall give a clear indication of "Sampled" on the original Import Permit, and to which it shall affix its official seal. 对麻醉药品、精神药品,抽样完成后,应当在《进口准许证》原件上注明“已抽样”的字样,并加盖抽样单位的公章。
- For narcotics and psychotropic drugs, after the port drug inspection office has completed the sampling, it shall give a clear indication of “Sampled” on the original Import Permit, and to which it shall affix its official seal. 对麻醉药品、精神药品,抽样完成后,应当在《进口准许证》原件上注明“已抽样”的字样,并加盖抽样单位的公章。
- You see,the installation work can begin only after the site have been checked and approved by our inspection officer. 您知道,只有在我方检验官员检查了现场并认可之后安装工作才能够开始。
- You see, the installation work can begin only after the site have is checked and approved by our inspection officer. 您知道,只有在我方检验官员检查了现场并认可之后安装工作才能够开始。
- The men were at attention as the inspecting officer passed through the ranks. 当检阅官从队伍中走过时,士兵们都立正。
- There are two breakers in this circuit. 这个电路里面使用了两个断路器。