- Chinese public signs 汉语公示语
- He sees some public signs in the park. 他在公园里看到了一些公共标志。
- Where do the sureties or Notary Public sign? 担保人或公证人需要在哪里签署?
- Do not erase the poetry from the Chinese public scenery! 别删掉诗歌从中国公开风景!
- Appeals to require all defendants to the Chinese public apology! 上诉,要求所有被告向共和国公开道歉!
- Homelessness was the most public sign of the problem. 无家可归是这一问题在社会上最明显的表现。
- Ma Jun urges the Chinese public to participate in saving the environment. 马军呼吁中国民众参与环境保护。
- Now I know a lot about public signe Thank you. 现在我知道了许多公共标志,谢谢。
- Today, the Internet is flooded with Chinese public opinion obsessed with vengeful, xenophobic thoughts. 今天,互联网上充斥着中国民众复仇性和排外的观点。
- Bora said he was confident his team could do well and has called for the Chinese public to get behind his squad. 博拉表示他对他的队能取得好成绩充满信心,并呼吁中国公众成为国家队的坚强后盾。
- On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese 汉语公示语的英译
- From the perspective of functionalist approaches, this thesis is to provide some practical translation strategies for C - E translation of public signs. 本文旨在从功能翻译理论的角度,为公示语的汉英翻译提供一些可行的翻译策略。
- A part of this research project, Business Ethics in China, is available to the Chinese public in four volumes. 这个研究项目“经济伦理在中国”的一部分研究成果已经在中国出版,共四本书。
- This paper probes into semantic translation and communicative translation of public signs in order to explore their best translation for effective communication. 摘要本文探讨公示语的语义翻译和交际翻译策略,以期使公示语的译文达到最佳交际的目的。
- In a statement Mazda says that the athlete "apologized to the Chinese public through a videocast. 在一份声明中,马自达表示运动员“已经通过视频向中国公众道歉”。
- A symbol,such as a stylized human figure on a public sign,that imparts information nonverbally. 雕像符号,如公共招牌上的具有风格的人形,用以传达非言语信息
- The Chinese public school in the South African capital, Pretoria, was established purely for ethnic Chinese students. 普勒多利亚的斐京华侨公学,是专为华裔学生设置的。
- Some problems existing in Chinese public health nursing management are found out by research. 通过调查研究了解我国公共卫生护理管理中存在的问题;
- A symbol, such as a stylized human figure on a public sign, that imparts information nonverbally. 雕像符号,如公共招牌上的具有风格的人形,用以传达非言语信息
- A recent study showed the mixed messages are enough to confuse the Chinese public. 最近的一项研究显示,如此眼花缭乱的信息足够使中国大众的眼光产生混乱。