- Today, he's almost synonymous with Chinese modern dance. 时值今日,林怀民三个字几乎成为中国现代舞的同义字。
- In Chinese modern art world, Huang rui is a big name. 在中国当代艺术界,黄锐的名字是不得不提的。
- The Status and Influence of Wu Li in the History of Chinese Modern Painting. 吴历在中国近代绘画史上的地位与影响。
- From the perspective of history and logic, sinification of Marxism and Chinese modernization have been unified intrinsically. 摘要从历史和逻辑的视角看,马克思主义中国化与中国现代化是内在统一的。
- However, their romantic dream is untimely to the behindhand country, which is an inevitable circumstance about Chinese modernization. 这也正是中国现代化的必然文化境遇。
- The establishment of Chinese modern postal service signified a big step toward Chinese modernization. 中国近代邮政的创办是中国走向近代社会的重要一步。
- The development of Chinese modernization needs to remold the small farmer mentality thoroughly in order to structure new national cultural mentality. 中国现代化进程要求对小农意识进行彻底改造以构建新的民族文化心理。
- We can draw a conclusion that Chinese modernization's ultimate ideality is not only to achieve the concern on labor hour for real-life ind... 中国现代化运动的价值理想在于实现社会的现实的个人对劳动时间的关注,并且通过占有自由劳动时间而达到个人的全面自由发展。
- To put it more clearly, Chinese modernization meant that China was transformed from a traditional form into a Western, modern form. 准确的意义即是:从传统中国的型态转变成现代西方的型态。
- In the course of Chinese modernization, the mass media such as newspaper, film and television have accelerated the subversion of patriarchal clan system. 摘要在中国现代化进程中,报刊、电影和电视等大众传媒加速了对宗法社会的颠覆。
- Triggered by this reflection on Chinese modernization, this thesis takes the low-quality of literary translation as the result from the Chinese Europeanization and the absence . 以此为基点,论文把翻译质量的下降与汉语欧化和古汉语文学传统的缺失问题联系起来,探讨文言在当代文学翻译中的适用性。
- The construction of the new socialist countryside is au important assignment in Chinese modernization, and university library must be participate in it. 摘要建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重要历史任务,高校图书馆应积极参与。
- In the respect of value concept, tile major omen ofoncoming Chinese modernization is that utilitarianism is getting more and morepopular in our society. 我国现代化的启动在价值观方面的重大征候就是功利价值观念日益具有普遍的社会意义。
- In the course of Chinese modernization, the heavy traditional morality, which still obstructs the women's real emancipation, even takes root in the women's psychology. 在中国社会走向现代化的过程中,沉重的传统伦理道德仍然阻碍着女性的真正解放,甚至根植于女性人格心理。
- Rustic construction, build country so that live at the farmer aptly namely, make countryside appropriative in Chinese modernization stabilize the force with development. 乡村建设,就是将乡村建设得适宜于农民居住,让乡村在中国现代化建设中充当稳定与发展的力量。
- Science and technology are definitive factors for developing Chinese modern agriculture. 科学技术是我国发展现代农业的决定性因素,而现代农业制度则是使这种发展获得成功的根本保证。
- This text is written by Mr. Lu Xun, the great man in our Chinese modern literature. 本文由我国现代文学史上伟大的文学家鲁迅先生的作品。
- The Individual Writing or Chinese Modern or Contemporary Literary History Since Oct. 建国以来中国现当代文学史的个人写作。
- Soon after, young Chinese modern dancers began to emerge on the world stage with their unique style. 不久,年轻的中国现代舞员便以独特的风姿在世界舞坛展露头角
- The inchoation of Chinese modern ethics was very closely related with Peking University. 摘要中国现代伦理学的发端与北京大学关系紧密。