- Chinese as a second language (CSL) is provided for foreign students. 同时为外国学生开设以汉语作为第二语言的课程(CSL)。
- The study is to analyze learners’ interlanguage refusal phenomena of Chinese as a second language. 本研究旨在分析外籍人士来台学习中文之拒绝语中介语料现象,范围以英语与日语为母语的华语文学习者。
- Chinese as a Second Language Class (CSL class) Registration for the 4th CSL classes starts on April 21st, 2008. 对外华语推广班第四期将于2008年4月21日开始接受报名,报名表请见附件。报名至5月23日止。
- The abstract grammatical meaning and flexible usages of prepositions make it a difficult point in teaching Chinese as a second language. 介词由于其抽象的语法意义和灵活的用法而成为对外汉语教学中的一个难点。
- It benefits the lexical teaching of CSL(Chinese as a second language),and can be used to efficiently enlarge the learners' vocabulary quantity. 文章提出了结合词义系统进行词汇教学的原则与策略:单音词的教学要突出形音义系联原则;
- While teaching Chinese as a second language, we often notice that the differentiation of tones perplexes learners mostly. 在以华语做为第二语言的教学中,我们发现声调常常造成学习者的困扰。
- This study explored the cues in pictophonetic characters and its development among learners of Chinese as a second language. 利用意符推断形声字的意义是一种习得汉字的比较科学的方法,本文通过实证研究,探讨了留学生意符意识形成及发展情况。
- International students can take the Chinese as a Second Language program (CSL) at Huijia Foreign Students Department while he/she studies the Huijia-CACB GAC course. 国际留学生在就读汇佳澳华GAC国际高中课程的同时可以选读汇佳国际学生部的对外汉语课程。
- Because of its particularity and complexity the structure of verb-complement has always been a difficulty in teaching and acquiring Chinese as a second language. 汉语的述补结构因其特殊性与复杂性而历来成为汉语第二语言教学与习得的难点。
- System of Information of Teach Chinese as a Second Language ( TCSL): Release in multiple languages the latest information related to TCSL. 国际汉语教学资讯系统:以多种语言发布与汉语教学相关的各种信息。
- Language and culture can't be divided,teaching Chinese as a second language(TCSL) is not only a teaching of language but also a teaching of culture. 语言和文化密不可分,对外汉语教学既是语言教学也是文化教学。
- Wang Xinhong, M.A.Finance, The University of Alabama (1999);B.A.Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Beijing Language and Culture University (1990). 王新红,男,北京语言大学文学学士学位(1990年),美国阿拉巴马大学金融学硕士学位(1999年),北京语言大学国际商学院副教授。
- We are specialized in training for teachers of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) and the corresponding national professional examinations. 我们专注于对外汉语教师培训及国家级别专业考试,同时为在亚洲工作生活的母语非汉语的外国人士提供中文学习服务。
- "Chinese heat" all over the world reveals the "teacher scarcity", we should speed up the construction of TCSL (teaching Chinese as a second language) speciality. 摘要全球“汉语热”凸显了对外汉语“教师荒”,亟需加强对外汉语专业建设。
- Markedness-based theories of L1 transfer exert a significant implication on teaching English as a second language and teaching Chinese as a second language. 标记性理论的提出对英语教学和对外汉语教学有着十分重要的启示。
- Teaching English as a Second Language (M.A. 教英语作为第二语言(文学士)
- Jianyu structure and Bei structure is a comparatively weak point in Chinese research as well as a hard point to Korean students who learn Chinese as a second language. “被”字句和兼语句是现代汉语的重要的语法项目,同时也是留学生学习汉语语法时的重点和难点,他们在学习过程中或者经常误用其中的某种句式,或者经常将两种句式混淆起来。
- "ESL"(English as a Second Language). 英语作为第二语言的课程。
- The effects of input frequencies of word and character on disyllabic word learning by adult learners of Chinese as a second language (CSL) were investigated in the present study. 文章通过实验探讨整词和单字在教材中出现的频率对于不同母语背景学生汉语双字词习得的影响。给来自汉字圈和非汉字圈的汉语学习者呈现不同词频、字频的双字词,要求被试写出双字词的拼音和意义。
- In the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, a hot topic is that whether the meaning sense of a Chinese word can be acquired simply by combining the meaning of morphemes which construct the word. 目前对外汉语教学界关于词汇教学路子的争论,主要的一点就集中在应否向学生灌输“字(语素)义按一定的语法关系加合起来就是词义”这样一种概念。