- Chinese Health Qigong 健身气功
- But Mr Wang said the Chinese health reform plan eclipsed similar US efforts. 但王阳表示,中国的医疗改革计划使美国的类似努力相形见绌。
- Stress and mental health were measured by Chinese Perceived Stress Scale(CPSS)and Chinese Health Questionnaire(CHQ). 目的了解基层医院护士的心理压力程度及其影响因素。
- None of those quarantined had shown any signs of being infected, the Chinese Health Ministry said. “检疫的结果是没有任何被感染的迹象。”中国卫生部称。
- The criterion- related validity was tested by a 30- item Chinese Health Questionnaire (CHQ-30). 利用中国人健康量表作效标关联效度 检定;
- Push to rub yongquan is called "hole", it is JiaoXin rub the age-old Chinese health care massage therapy of self. 推搓涌泉穴俗称“搓脚心”,它是我国流传已久的自我养生保健按摩疗法之一。
- Not so, say Chinese health officials who contend that the episode is a communal outbreak of psychogenic illness, also called mass hysteria. 非也,中国卫生部门官员们认为该事件只是一次常规的心理疾病爆发,就是所谓的群体性歇斯底里症。
- Representatives from the World Health Organization have also been working with Chinese health officials in the wake of the reappearance of SARS cases in China. 自从SARS病例的出现,世界卫生组织的代表们一直和中国卫生官员们进行着合作。
- Lastly we draw the conclusion that the Chinese health service development rules can be cognized and utilized, and should be consummated constantly along with the... 结论认为,我国卫生事业发展是有规律可循的,卫生事业发展规律应随着实践的发展而不断总结和完善。
- Chinese health officials have reported Tuesday a new outbreak of bird flu among more than two thousand chickens and geese in the eastern province of Anhui. 中国卫生官员星期二通报,在东部的安徽省两千多只鸡和鹅当中爆发了新的禽流感疫情。
- The Chinese health minister voiced his confidence to tackle a possible next wave of flu outbreak in autumn and winter, adding China would take preventive measures in advance. 中国卫生部长称,对解决在秋冬季可能爆发的下一波流感疫情充满了信心并补充说届时中国将提前采取预防措施。
- But if the WHO is right about pre-natal and childhood nutrition being to blame, Chinese health officials will need to focus on more than the adults' own habits. 但是如果WHO关于孕期、儿童期营养的说法正确的话,那么中国的健康官员应该把注意力更集中于成年人自己的行为习惯。
- T2 bought in the domestic Chinese health products above, there is no indication how the water situation in English? Trouble and I can talk about this no problem, right? 在t2国内买过保健品上面没有中文标示一水的英文怎么个情况?能麻烦和我说说这没问题吧?
- Books on Traditional Chinese Health Exercie, Tai Chi, Shaolin, Chinwoo Routines, Praying Mantis, Eagle Claw and Wing Chun are available for online purchase. 销售保健、太极、少林、精武十套系列、螳螂、鹰爪翻子、咏春等武术书籍。
- On October 16,1989,a silver medal was awarded to the Chinese Health and Antiepidemic Department of the Ministry of Public Health by the then UNICEF executive director,James P.Grant,to commend China's achievements made in children's immunity work. 1989年10月16日,当时的联合国儿童基金会执行主任詹姆斯·格兰特将一枚联合国儿童生存银质奖章授予中国卫生部卫生防疫司,以表彰中国在普及儿童免疫工作中所取得的巨大成绩。
- On October 16, 1989, a silver medal was awarded to the Chinese Health and Antiepidemic Department of the Ministry of Public Health by the then UNICEF executive director, James P.Grant, to commend China's achievements made in children's immunity work. 1989年10月16日,当时的联合国儿童基金会执行主任詹姆斯 - 格兰特将一枚联合国儿童生存银质奖章授予中国卫生部卫生防疫司,以表彰中国在普及儿童免疫工作中所取得的巨大成绩。
- Based on results of investigation into Austrian health service management,building of health system,food safety and so on,the author offered proposals for structural reform in Chinese health system. 作者通过对奥地利卫生管理、体系建设、食品安全等方面的考察,进行分析、思考,对我国卫生体制改革提出了建议。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu says China is well prepared to contain a cluster outbreak of the A/ H1N1 influenza.He was speaking during a global meeting on the new flu in Cancun, Mexico. 中国卫生部部长陈竺在墨西哥坎昆举行的关于新流感疫情的全球会议上发表了讲话,他表示中国针对聚集性甲型H1N1流感疫情的爆发已作好准备。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!