- Cayley图连通圈Cayley graph-connected cycle
- 关于Abel群上Cayley图的Hamilton圈分解On Hamiltonian Decomposition of Cayley Graphs of Abelian Groups
- 冠状系统R-旋转图连通的充要条件A Necessary and Sufficient Condition About the Connectivity of the R-rotation Graph of a Coronoid System
- 如果有足够的线使图连通,这图称为双图。If enough edges have been drawn to make the figure connected the graph is called bipartite.
- 有限交换群上Bi-Cayley图的Hamilton性及偶泛圈性Hamiltonian Properties and Bipancyclicity of Bi-Cayley Graphs on Finite Abelian Groups
- Cayley图Cayley graph
- 双Cayley图bi-cayley graph
- 商圈Business District
- 截图sectional drawing
- 挡圈thackeray washer
- 社交圈circle
- 贴图pinup picture
- 钥匙圈key ring
- k度Cayley图k-degree Cayley graph
- 圈内人coterie
- 矢量图vectorgraph
- 内圈inside track
- 色图chromatic graph
- 齿圈gear ring
- 复制图rendering