- What is more, a powerful resurgence in the carry trade seems unlikely. 换一种说法,利差交易发生了大规模的抛售,但却几乎没有发生所预期的市场动荡。
- In New Zealand's case, the carry trade has given the kiwi dollar an extra upward push. 对新西兰来说,套息交易额外地推高了新西兰币。
- Where its own cheap money policy has created a flood ofliquidity outside its borders, through the carry trade. 宽松的货币政策通过套息交易在国外创造了大量的流动性。
- Borrowing to invest in higher-yielding or risky assets is one form of the “carry trade”. 用借来的钱投资高收益的风险资产是“利差交易”的一种形式。
- What does seem plain, however, is that the carry trade tends tobreak down when markets become more turbulent. 但有一点是显而易见的,套息交易无法承受市场的大风大浪。
- It is probably due to the carry trade again. GBP/JPY has been bouncing really strong. 非美里英镑近一两天走势较强,有什么原因吗?前些日子跌得太快了?
- USD unchanged ahead of FOMC and employment data.NZD down on carry trade unwinding. 注意:您发布的评论需要经过编辑审核通过后才会被发布。
- This valuation check helped get rid of the negative skew associated with the simplistic version of the carry trade. 这样的价值评估可以在套利交易中避免简单模型的扭曲。
- The yen carry trade has amplified global liquidity, further inflating asset-price bubbles across the world. 日元套息交易放大了全球资本流动,使世界各地的资产价格泡沫进一步膨胀。
- The Yen could appreciate further, as the unwinding of the carry trade continues. 日元还会继续升值,因为套利交易解体还在继续。
- The most popular explanation of the yen's languor is a revival of the “carry trade” (ie, borrowing in cheap yen to buy higher-yielding investments elsewhere). 关于日元疲软的最普遍解释是新一轮的套息交易(比如说借入弱势的日元,然后在别处进行回报率较高的投资)的抬头。
- As the Japanese yen surged, unwinding the carry trade, analysts believe the correction around the globe may last for some time. 日圆汇价显著上升,触发利差(日圆套息)交易,分析者相信全球股市调整会持续一段时间。
- Now oil prices are falling (dipping almost to $90 a barrel this week), they are undermining the carry trade and forcing Russia to prop up the rouble. 现在石油价格下跌,本周几乎降到90美元一桶,这样就迫使俄国大量注资来支撑卢布。
- This carry trade, as it is called, has cheapened Japan's currency, much to the chagrin of American carmakers and European policymakers. 这种套息交易使得日圆贬值,而日圆贬值使美国和欧洲汽车制造商和决策者懊恼不以。
- Photo Gallery: Dubai Sights On bustling Dubai Creek, traditional abras (water taxis) still ferry locals and ships carry trade goods. 意译:迪拜风光图片集。在繁忙的迪拜小港,传统的abras(水上出租车)仍然是局部的渡船和船队运载贸易的货物。
- And this omits the contribution to global liquidity of the Bank of Japan, whose low interest rates are fuelling the “carry trade”. 而且这还不包括日本央行对全球流动所作的贡献,日本央行的低息政策正不断刺激着“套利交易(carrytrade)”。
- A large income in rates could also push up the yen as the carry trade unwinds (but, again, exporters could probably cope, since the currency is so competitive). 伴随着转口贸易的展开,大量在利率上的收入也能拉动日元(由于流通中具有强大的竞争力,或许可再次转变为对出口商有利)。
- For the truth is that carry trade opportunities should not exist at all: the whole point of flexible exchange rates is to rebalance things when interest rates get out of whack. 因为事实在于,套利交易的机会根本就不该存在:浮动汇率的全部意义就是要在利率不正常时对市场进行再平衡。
- East European debtors are still coming to terms with the downside of one carry trade, borrowing in low-yielding currencies like the euro or Swiss franc. 东欧的债务人现在仍与套息交易中下降的一方达成协议,借入诸如欧元或瑞士法郎等低收益货币。
- Instead, the carry trade is typically done through transactions, such as currency forward swaps, that are off-balance-sheet and therefore do not show up in official statistics. 取而代之的是,投资者普遍通过买卖外汇远期互换等进行套息交易。这些交易都是资产负债表的表外项目,因此不反映在官方数据里。