- CPE改性硬质PVCRPVC Modified by CPE
- 硬质PVC改性用粉末丁苯橡胶的开发及应用Development and application of powdered butadient-styrene rubber for modification of rigid PVC
- 本文介绍了采用搅拌式固相氯化法合成氯化聚乙烯(CPE)弹性体的新工艺,并研究了氯化条件对聚合物性能的影响。 用该弹性体改性硬质PVC,提高冲击强度的效果与国内悬浮法生产的CPE不相上下;CPE elastomer was prepared by stirring solid phasechlorization. The effect of chloridizing conditions on theproperties of the polymer was studied, and the result inmodifying PVC is similar to that of suspension.
- 硬质PVCrigid PVC
- Y改性Y modification
- 抗冲改性anti-impaction modification
- 硬质PVC型材专用料生产技术开发Development of preparation technology of rigid PVC special- use resin for profile production
- 扩链改性chain extension
- 硬质PVC发泡制品的挤出技术及应用Extrusion technique and application of rigid PVC foamed products
- 填充改性Filling Modification
- 横窦骑跨性硬膜外血肿的早期诊断及术式改进Early diagnosis and operative method improvement of epidural hematoma straddling transverse sinus
- 酶法改性enzymatic modification
- 半硬质胶half-hard rubber
- 蛋白改性protein modification
- 外伤性硬脑膜下积液转化成慢性硬脑膜下血肿的可能机制A possible mechanism of traumatic subdural effusion developing into chronic subdural hematoma
- 白色硬质陶器stone china
- 介孔分子筛SBA-15的表面改性对脂肪酶固定化的强化作用Improvement of lipase immobilization by surface modification of SBA-15 mesoporous silica
- 白色硬质小麦hard white wheat
- SBS改性沥青SBS modified asphalt
- 钻孔外引流加颞肌筋膜下分流术治疗外伤性硬膜下积液32例External drainage after burr hole and subtemporal muscular fasciae drainage for 32 cases of traumatic subdural effusion