- COBOL事务处理程序结构COBOL transaction program construction
- COBOL事务处理程序COBOL transaction program
- COBOL事务处理开发COBOL transaction development
- COBOL事务处理应用程序COBOL transaction application program
- COBOL事务处理程序结构COBOL transaction program construction
- COBOL事务处理编译系统COBOL transaction compilation
- 分层结构对使用PASCAL、ALGOL、FORTRAN、COBOL等语言的用户来说,是一种常用的程序结构。The hierarchical structures of programs are frequently used by the users of PASCAL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, etc.
- 事务处理transaction processing
- 中断处理程序的数据结构Structure of an Interrupt Handler
- 将控制从异常块的fault或finally子句转移回公共语言结构(CLI)异常处理程序。Transfers control from the fault or finally clause of an exception block back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler.
- COBOL事务处理程序COBOL transaction program
- CORBA事务处理服务能与微软公司的事务处理一起工作吗?Do the CORBA transaction service and Microsoft transactions work together?
- 本地事务处理local transaction
- 紧急状况/安全事务/纪律问题的处理程序emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures
- COBOL事务处理开发COBOL transaction development
- COBOL事务处理研制COBOL transaction development
- 最后给出了基于J2EE分布事务处理两种编程技术及实现。Finally, two kinds of programming technology and their implementation on J2EE DTP are given.
- 事件处理程序会妨碍预期的事件序列,例如,如果代码在事务发生时更改属性值。Event handlers can interfere with expected sequences of events, such as if your code alters the values of properties while a transaction is occurring.
- 联机事务处理(OLTP)关系数据库最适合于管理变化的数据。Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) relational databases are optimal for managing changing data.
- USB事务处理USB transaction