- 基于STEP标准的CAD模型数据交换质量研究Research on the CAD Model Data Quality for Data Exchange Based the STEP
- 数据data
- 首先,基于查找关键字的方法,将CAD模型的产品模型数据交换标准AP203 Part21文件转换为属性图文件;Firstly,The STandardfor the Exchange of Product model data(STEP) AP203 Part21 files of CAD model were transformedinto attributed-graph files by searching and matchingkeywords.
- CAD模型数据CAD model datas
- 统计数据statistical data
- 三维CAD模型3D CAD model
- 数据处理data processing
- 数据透视表PivotTable
- CAD模型检索CAD model retrieval
- 数据线data wire
- 数据结构data organization
- 数据文件data file
- 广义CAD模型generalized CAD model
- 数据传输data transmission
- 数据类型data type
- 参数化CAD模型Parametric CAD model
- 元数据metadata
- 数据分析datan
- 数据采集data acquisition
- 根据PLUS,独立进行详细的CAD模型制作及零部件、总成的绘图工作。Use PLUS, work unassisted to produce detail CAD models and drawings of components and assemblies.