- C3蛋白活性C3-protein activity; C3PA
- 胶原蛋白活性肽Collagen peptide
- 大豆蛋白活性肽soybean peptides
- 甾类蛋白活性指数steroid protein activity index
- 甾体蛋白活性指数SPAI; steroid protein activity index
- 增强型绿色荧光蛋白C3Enhanced green fluorescent protein C3
- 双蛋白活性乳酸菌饮料active lactobacillus drink with double proteins
- 乳蛋白活性肽功能性的研究Study on the function of milk protein peptides
- 牛乳酪蛋白活性肽的研究进展Advances of bioactive peptides derived from bovine milk casein
- 霍乱弧菌CTB基因的克隆、表达及重组蛋白活性分析Cloning and Expression of Vibrio cholerae CTB Gene and the Recombinant CTB Protein Activation Assay
- 活性蛋白Cactivated protein C
- 活性蛋白Active protein
- 蛋白C活性Protein C aetivity
- 表面活性蛋白DSurfactant proteinD
- 抑菌活性蛋白antibacterial peptide
- 异化活性蛋白disimilation active protein
- 纤溶活性蛋白fibrinolytic protein
- 白果活性蛋白gingko albumin protein
- 混浊活性蛋白haze-active protein
- 浑浊活性蛋白haze-active proteins