- C039近等基因系CO39 near isogenic lines
- 利用PCR和RFLP技术分析了小麦赤霉酸反应不敏感的矮秆基因Rht3的近等基因系及其分离群体。The dwarf gene Rht3 derived from Tom Thu mb variety, a Tibetan wheat of China, is a dominant gene with the insensitivity to gibberellic acid.
- 昆明小白谷耐冷性近等基因系耐冷性状的相关性及遗传研究Correlation and genetic analysis on traits related cold tolerance of NIL at booting stage
- 近等基因系Near-isogenic line
- 核代换群体和系选品种在水稻耐冷性近等基因系研制中的作用Utilization of Karyon Substitute Populations and Pureline Selection Cultivars on Cold Near Isogenic Lines Breed in Japonic Rice
- 小麦近等基因系Wheat near-isolines
- 等基因isogen
- 古近系Paleogene
- 等基因的isogenic
- 同系基因的syngenetic; syngenic
- 变更等位基因modification allele
- 近交家系inbred family
- 等度渐近equiasymptotical
- 日本清泽单基因系Tsunematru mono-resistance gene lines from Japan
- d等位基因d allele
- 等一会儿,我要系鞋带。Wait a moment while I tie up my shoes.
- S等位基因S-allele
- 等效力系equivalent force systems
- 高抗白叶枯病渗入基因系的鉴定初报Evaluation of Resistance to Bacterial Blight of Introgression Lines Derived from Wild Species of Oryza
- 供小船停泊补充物资和修理等的系船池。a fancy docking facility for small yachts and cabin cruisers.