- Bug对电脑业的影响The influence of Bug for computer
- 确实,电脑网络已如海啸般横扫美国企业界,大大改变了电脑业的结构。Indeed, networks have washed over corporate america like a tsunami, dramatically altering the architecture of computing.
- 把首都迁往内地的计划,对巴西的未来将产生巨大的影响。The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil.
- 在不好的路上猛开车很快就会对汽车的悬架系统造成不良的影响。Hard driving over had roads will soon tell upon the suspension of the car.
- IBM已不再是电脑业的支柱了,现在,它大部分的税前利润来源于服务、软件和硬件。IBM has ceased to be the mainstay of the computer industry, and now, the bulk of its pre-tax profits from the services, software and hardware.
- 这件事情对社会造成了有害的影响。This event had a pernicious influence on society.
- 这项发展对我们的生活有深远的影响。The development had a profound effect on all our lives.
- 约翰逊最近的这项研究对科学探索领域产生了极大的影响。Johnson has set his mark on the field of scientific enquiry with the recent study.
- 他想对他的同事施加不适当的影响。He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues.
- 渗透一种文化或一个国家对另一文化或另一国家所产生的影响的强度The extent of influence that one culture or nation has on another.
- 对针刺毛毡进行研究后发现卷曲是一项重要的影响因素。In a study of needled felts, crimp was found to be a very influential factor.
- 设计人员应该考虑施工缝和地基节理对剪切强度的影响。The designer should consider the influence of construction joints and foundation joints on the shearing strength.
- 当他突然意识到这一消息对自己的生意的影响时,才真正领悟了它的价值。The news struck home as he suddenly saw the effect that it would have on his business.
- 使用新的信息技术对提高劳动生产率的影响要缓和得多。The impact on productivity of extensions to the use of new information technology is much more moderate.
- 一个人的教养对一生事业的成功具有决定性的影响[作用]One's upbringing largely determines success in life.
- 如何估量一张名人的面孔对消费者购买一个公司产品的影响呢?How to measure the impact of a famous face on the consumer's desire to buy your product?
- 太阳重力场对核反应扩散系统稳定性及中微子产生的影响Influence of the Sun's gravity field on stability of nuclear reaction-diffusion system and neutrino production
- 光刻胶傅里叶全息图的记录条件对重构图像信噪比的影响The influence of recording conditions on the signal-to-noise ratio of retrieved images for photoresist Fourier transform holograms
- 全髋置换术中髋臼过度扩锉对髋臼缘骨量和前倾角的影响Affect of extensive reaming for acetabular preparation in THR on bone loss of acetabulum rim and its anteversion change
- 水培条件下不同通气时间对新几内亚凤仙生长发育的影响Effect of different aeration hours on the growth and development of New Guinea impatiens under solution culture