- Boston矫形器Boston brace
- Boston矫形器治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的疗效分析Using the Boston brace to treat idiopathic spinal scoliosis in adolescence
- 器utensil
- 资源管理器explorer
- 色奴矫形器Cheneau brace
- 足底矫形器the foot orthosis
- 伺服器server (computer)
- Boston命令测验Boston naming test
- 踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy
- Boston血型抗体Blood group antibody Boston
- 断路器breaker
- Boston血型抗原Blood group antigen Boston
- 感应器inductor
- 清洁器cleaner
- 读卡器card reader
- 筛选器sizer
- 逆变器inverter
- 熔断器fuse
- 足底矫形器计算机辅助制造系统Research and Design of Foot Orthosis CAM System
- 调速器speed governor