- Bloch型空间的一些性质Some Properties of Bloch Type Spaces.
- 加权复合算子在Bloch型空间上的有界性Boundedness of Weighted Composition Operators on Bloch Type Spaces
- Bloch型空间Bloch type space
- 小Bloch型空间little Bloch type space
- Littlewood-Paley算子和Marcinkiewicz积分的一些性质Some Properties of the Littlewood-Paley Operators and Marcinkiewicz Integrals
- 给出了同调正则态射的一些性质,以及它与同调单(满)态和同调等价之间的关系。It also discusses some properties of homology regular morphism, and its close relationships to homology monomorphism (epimorphism) and homology equivalence.
- Bloch型函数关于径向导数的积分判据Integral criteria of Bloch type functions on radial derivative
- 关于多复变中Bloch型空间的几个问题Several Problems on Bloch Type Space of Several Complex Variables
- 有界对称域上D~p空间的一些性质Some Properties of D p Spaces on Bounded Symmetric Domains
- 流星体活动在空间的固体天体,比小行星小,至少与尘埃一样大A solid body, moving in space, that is smaller than an asteroid and at least as large as a speck of dust.
- 目前我们的一些客户对你们的纯毛地毯颇有兴趣,并询问其质量和价格。Some of our customers have recently expressed interest in your woolen carpets and inquired about their quality and prices.
- 摘要利用纯量概周期函数性质讨论了一致概周期矩阵函数的一些性质。By using properties of scalar almost periodic function, properties of uniform almost periodic matrix function are discussed.
- 大跨度环形平面肋环型空间索桁张力结构的模型试验研究The model experimental research on rib-patterned large-span spatial cable-truss tensile structure with annular plane
- 她的一些话很伤人,但我决定不去计较,不使在场的其他人难堪。Some of her remarks were quite hurtful but I decided to make light of them rather than embarrass the other people present.
- 在计算机图形学中,将坐标超出显示空间的显示元素显示在显示空间的某个位置上。In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space.
- T1型空间T1-spaces
- 伴随矩阵的一些性质Some Characters of the Adjoint Matrix
- 户型空间Units
- 我想扼要谈谈特区成立后,香港人生活方式的一些特点。I would like to highlight a few features of life in the new SAR.