- Barraquer-Simons综合征Barraquer-Simons syndrome
- Barraquer综合征Barraquer syndrome
- Barraquers operation巴勒魁尔氏手术
- Hollander-Simons综合征Hollander-Simons syndrome
- Simons过程Simons process
- 综合征symptom complex
- Simons型不等式Simons-type inequality
- Chern-Simons理论Chern-Simons theory
- 肾病综合征nephrotic syndrome
- Maxwell-Chern-Simons场的Casimir效应Casimir Effect of the Maxwell- Chern-Simons Field
- 唐氏综合征down syndrome
- 有限温度下阿贝尔Chern-Simons系数的量子化The Quantization of the Abelian Chern-Simons Coefficient at A Finite Temperature
- 多囊卵巢综合征Stein-Leventhal syndrome
- Abel Chern-Simons项与复标量场耦合系统的正则量子化Canonical Quantization of the Complex Scalar Field Coupled to the Abel Chern-Simons Term
- 干燥综合征sicca syndrome
- 美尼尔氏综合征labyrinthine syndrome
- 无论如何,明天是真相大白的一天。明天Simons先生将读完所有文章,决定谁得到那个位置。Anyway, tomorrow is the moment of truth. Tomorrow Mr. Simons reads all the articles and decides who gets the job.
- 更年期综合征menopause syndrom
- 设Mn是等距浸入在常曲率黎曼流形Nn+p(c)中的n维紧致子流形,若Mn是极小的,有著名的Simons不等式.Let Nn+p(c)be an n+p dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature c and Mn an n dimensional compact submanifold of Nn+p(c). It is known that there is a Simons'inequality when Mn is minimal.
- 肠道激惹综合征irritable bowel syndrome