Naturally we make use of various bank credit and commercial credit. 我们当然是利用各种银行信贷和商业信贷。
It was a pleasure to notice in today's newspaper about your promotion to the position of Credit-Manager of your bank. 从近日报纸欣闻您晋升为银行信贷部经理。
Meanwhile, shares of Citigroup were hit after Goldman Sachs analysts said credit losses at the bank had continued to grow rapidly. 同时,在高盛的证券分析师称银行信用损失持续快速增长后,花旗集团的股份下跌。
Yet bizarrely, the Bank of Japan seems to think its credibility is more at risk from reignited inflation than from the stigma of mild deflation. 但奇怪的是,日本银行好似认为如果经济重新恢复活力会使银行信用风险比经济处在温和紧缩时期更大。