- B超直肠检查transrectal uhrasonography
- 超overtake
- 检查inspection
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 直肠检查examination per rectum
- 经直肠B超Trans-rectal B ultrasound
- 拼写检查spelling
- 超链接hyperlink
- 直肠检查无触痛。There was no tenderness on rectal exmination.
- 直肠检查和手术台proctologic table
- B超机B supersonic diagnostic set
- 电动直肠检查和手术台power-lift proctologic table
- B超测量ultrasound examination
- 阴道B超transvaginal ultrasonography
- 彩超经直肠检查输尿管中、下段结石的诊断价值Diagnostic value of TRS - CDU on detecting middle - lower ureterolith
- B超探查B - scan uhrasoundgraph examination
- 我给你做一下直肠检查。不要紧张。请脱去裤子,跪着趴下。D: I'll do a rectal examination. Don't be afraid. Please undress and lie in a knee-chest position.
- B超引导B ultrasound guidance
- 我给您做个直肠检查。哦,宫口已经开了大约3指,您今天就要生了。Let me do a rectal examination for you. Oh, the cervix is open about 3cm. Your baby will be delivered today.
- 地质B超B--ultrasonic in geology