- B样条插补Bspline interpolation
- 数控系统中B样条插补器的研究Study on B Spline Interpolator in CNC System
- 基于非均匀有理B样条的凸轮轴插补算法Camshaft Interpolation Algorithms Based on Non-uniform Rational B-spline
- B样条插值B-spline Interpolation
- 双三次B样条插值bicubic B- spline surface interpolation
- B样条类曲线插补算法的曲线段间过渡问题研究Study on transition between sections of B-Spline curves used in direct interpolation algorithm
- C-B样条C-B spline
- 基于三次样条插值技术的去除胸阻抗基线漂移的方法研究One Method of Removing Thorax Impedance Baseline Wander by Cubic Spline Interpolation
- 样条插补spline interpolation
- α-B样条α-B spline
- 3次B样条cubic B-spline
- 立体B样条cubic B-spline
- 五次样条插补quintic spline interpolation
- B样条曲面B-spline surface
- 均匀B样条uniform B-spline
- 三次B样条cubic B-spline
- 一类非端点插值B样条曲线降阶的方法A Class of Degree Reduction Methods for B-Spline Curves
- B样条网络B-spline network
- 一种B样条表面插值控制点的缩减方法A Method of Reducing Control Points in B-spline Surface Interpolation
- 五次B样条quintic B-spline