- An Assembly Line of Suits 西服生产线项目
- Increase the speed of an assembly line. 提高装配线的速度。
- He works on an assembly line or he is an assembly line worker. 他在一条装配线上工作或他是一名装配线上的工人。
- An assembly line turning out cars. 生产小汽车的流水线
- We develop an assembly line of rinsing and pressing, which is especially for automobiles and other hardware spares. All kinds of our hardware spares have been approved by the clients. 发了一条冲压件流水线,专为汽车行业和其他五金零件配套。各种五金零件已得到客户的认可。
- In too many cases, the patient is no longer treated as a person, but rather as an assembly line of body parts each to be managed, often with great expertise, by an appropriate specialist. 在太多的案例中,病人不再被当作人进行治疗,而是被当作身体每一部分都受通常需要专门技术和相应的专家来控制的组装线。
- He is a worker on an assembly line. 他是在流水线上工作的员工。
- I improved our assembly line of the TV. 我改进了电视的装配线。
- Each also spends time performing routine tasks on an assembly line. 每个人还花一定时间在总装线上从事常规作业。
- An assembly line is a very efficient method for building cars. 流水线作业是装配汽车的一个非常有效的方法。
- An assembly line system is an efficient way to manufacture cars. 产品装配线系统是一种有效的生产汽车的方法。
- Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boringtiring. 装配线的工作通常会极端无聊而累人。
- Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring. 装配线的工作通常会极端无聊而累人。
- The workers at the shipyard used an assembly line method to equip them. 造船厂的工人们凭借用装配线的方式去装配它们。
- Processing the dead on an assembly line, that choice is rendered mute. 由于尸体被集中统一处理(流水线),这种呼吁被湮没。
- Henry Ford's idea was that an assembly line should be introduced in producing automobiles. 亨利。福特的想法是引入装配线来生产汽车。
- What sort of suit are you after exactly,the one with single line of buttons or double lines? 您究竟要哪种西服,单排扣的还是双排扣的?
- Buffett ran his five paper routes like an assembly line and even added magazines to round out his product offerings. 巴菲特把自己送报的5条线路安排得就像生产线一样有条不紊,后来他甚至还添加了杂志的递送。
- He's got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable. 他有几十套衣服,却没有一套像样的。
- With an assembly line producing 20 million sqaure meters of corrugated board boxes. 年产2000万平方米的瓦楞纸板箱生产流水线。