- All my work was honorary. 我所有的工作都是名誉上的。
- But all my work was honorary. How should I earn my living? 但我所有的工作都是义务的.;我该怎样来挣钱糊口呢?
- Now, just after sundown, when all my work was over, and I was on my way to my berth, it occurred to me that I should like an apple. 太阳刚落山,我干完了自己分内的活,正准备回自己的铺位上去,忽然想吃一个苹果。
- My report was rejected, and all my work on it went for nothing. 我的报告遭到拒绝,因而我为此所做的一切工作均属徒劳。
- I must spend a few days to clear off all my work. 我必须用几天功夫来清理我所有的工作。
- All my work was in vain. 我所做的所有工作都徒劳无益。
- Thank you for doing all my work when I was in my hometown with my parents. 在我回家探亲的时候,你帮我做了工作,谢谢你!
- His interest in my work was a great encouragement. 他对我的作品感兴趣是一种很大的鼓励。
- My work was dirt by the side of it. 比起它来我的作品就显得差劲了。
- I didn't get a red cent for all my work. 我做了那么多工作,可什么也没得到。
- If my project isn't approved by the headmaster, all my work will be wasted. 如果我的方案没有得到校长的批准,那么我的所有工作都白费了。
- Andrew : Frankly, in all my works Bolshoi was ranked first. 记者:国家大剧院如今已初露端倪,你如何评价自己的这件作品?
- Continuation of my work was difficult after I had been ill for six months. 我生了半年病後,对继续工作感到很困难。
- I really pissed off at Harry. He took the credit for all my work. 我对哈利真的很生气。我拼命工作他却坐享其成。
- Perhaps he mentioned my cardie because my work was unmentionable. 或许他提到我的羊毛衫,是因为我的工作不值一提?
- I would like paradise in the home for all my work, the transaction. 我会在如同世外桃源的家里进行我的所有工作,交易。
- I really pissed off at Harry. He tewwdit for all my work. 我对哈利真的很生气。我拼命工作他却坐享其成。
- The result from all my work during those first five years was that I didn't even come close to achieving my goals. 年,我从来没有达成我的目标。
- Obviously, I always made sure my work was done on time and supremely well. 很显然,我总是确信我的工作能够按时、以绝佳的质量完成。
- Several books that were very important for my work were lost in the fire, and it's going to be difficult to gather the threads. 在火灾中好几本对我的工作很重要的书丢了,因此这工作要继续下去将是很困难的。