- Acegi安全框架Acegi Framework
- 开放安全框架OSF
- 统一安全框架uniform security frame
- 框架framework
- 分布式安全框架Distributed Security Infrastructure(DSI)
- 最后,本文介绍了Spring 框架自带的安全插件Acegi,并对系统安全控制作了一定的研究。Finally, the thesis illustrates Acegi which is a plug-in card of Spring framework and describes how to build security system using Acegi.
- 基于CA的WAP安全框架WAP Security Framework Based on CA
- 框架结构frame construction
- 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。The children were led to a place of safety.
- 框架协议framework agreement
- 他将船驶进一个安全的港口。He navigated the ship to a safe port.
- 必须采取措施保证交通安全。Measures must be taken to insure traffic safety.
- 理论框架theoretical frame
- 孩子们很安全。The boys remained in safety.
- 框架图frame diagram
- 包裹安全运抵。The parcel arrived safely.
- 已采取了安全措施。Steps have been taken to ensure safety.
- 基本框架basic framework
- 新的安全规则何时生效?When do the new safety rules come into force?
- 分析框架analytical framework