- AR模型AR model
- AR模型估计AR model estimation
- 针电极肌电信号AR模型参数与局部肌疲劳的相关定性关系Quantitative relationship between needle electrode electromyography signal of AR model parameter and local muscular fatigue
- NA样本下变方差模型估计的强相合性Strong Consistency of Estimator in Heteroscedastic Model under NA Samples
- Burg算法在基于AR模型多普勒血流信号时频分析中的应用Application of Burg Algorithm in Time-frequency Analysis of Doppler Blood Flow Signal Based on AR Modeling
- 变结构多模型估计单Kalman滤波跟踪机动目标算法A Single Kalman Filtering Algorithm with Variable Structure Multiple-Model Estimation for Maneuvering Target Tracking
- 模型估计model estimation
- AR模型法AR Parameter Method
- 模型估计器Model estimator
- 动态模型估计estimate in dynamic model
- AR模型谱AR model spectrum
- 用不同模型估计绒山羊早期生长性状遗传参数的比较Comparison of Different Models for Estimating Genetic Parameters of Early Growth Traits in Cashmere Goat
- 用动物模型估计约克夏猪的主要经济性状遗传参数的研究Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Economic Traits of Yorkshire Using Animal Model
- CA-AR模型CA-AR model
- 用动物模型估计杜洛克猪生长和繁殖性状的遗传力及育种值Utilizing animal model to estimate the heredity and breeding value of growth and reproduction characters of Duroc
- 多模型估计Multiple model estimation
- 频域AR模型frequency domain AR model
- 线性模型估计linear model estimate
- 高阶AR模型higher-order AR model
- 运动模型估计Moving model estimation