My master and his man are both broke loose.
出自:Comedy of Errors ,
The dayes of our yeres are threescore yeeres and ten.
出自:Bible (AV): Psalms
My three-and-twentieth year.
出自: Milton
We do in our Consciences believe two and two make four.
出自: Addison
Six hundred and eighty-five ways to dress eggs.sssss Keats
出自: T. Moore
Oh it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Tommy, go away'.
出自: R. Kipling
My lunch will cost me one [shilling] and sixpence.
出自: G. B. Shaw
The present holders of power are evil men, and the present manner of life is doomed.
出自: B. Russell
He saw the priest bend down and kiss the altar and then face about and bless all the people.
出自: Joyce
Allgood was quiet, thoughtful, and fond of watching birds.
出自: S. Sassoon
Susy removed the mirror and only set it up again when she had finished.
出自: P. Scott