- 认证协议的分析设计Analysis and Design of Authentication Protocols
- AAA认证AAA authentication
- 一个无线认证协议的分析与改进Analysis and Improvement of an Anonymous Wireless Authentication Protocol
- 路由器安全与AAA认证的应用研究The Application Research of Router Security and AAA Authentication
- 认证authenticate
- 我希望到那时候我们能在代理协议的其他条款上能取得一致意见。I hope we can see eye to eye about the other terms of the agency then.
- 基于形式方法的Andrew RPC认证协议的分析与改进Improvement and analysis of Andrew RPC based on formal methods
- 相反的,孙子说应该密切留意它们,并做细致入微的分析。On the contrary,and according to Sun Zi,one should pay close attention to them and analyze them carefully and in great detail.
- 基本条款,基本原则;协议的一般条款或决定某事情的一般原则。General term of agreement or general principle on which something is decided.
- 让我们大家都撇开个人感情,对这个问题作出合理的分析。We should set our personal feeling by and try to analyze the problem rationally.
- 这种方法采用的认证协议同时结合了公钥加密和密钥加密技术。The proposed security and authentication protocol made use to the combination of public key and secret key to provide such ploy.
- 代理协议的制定很仔细,我们没有发现里面有什么漏洞。The agency agreement is make out with great care and we have find no loophole in it.
- 认证协议authentication protocol
- 密码认证协议PAP
- 网络路由协议的研究分析Research and Analysis of the Routing Protocols in Multi-Hop Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- 身份认证协议authentication protocol
- TMN密码协议的SMV分析SMV Analysis of TMN Cryptographic Protocol
- 口令认证协议Password Authentication Protocol
- 仲裁协议的法律性质分析Analysis On Its Legal Character Of Arbitration Agreements