- 亚型subtype
- A3亚型A3 blood subgroup
- 2002年8月和2002年10月一2003年1月发生了A3亚型株流行;Type A3 was epidemic from Oct. 2002 to Mar. 2003 and in Aug. 2002. The epidemic strains were spread over wards and different patients.
- A3钢A3 steel
- 抗A3Kang A3
- A亚型A subgroup
- B亚型B subgroup
- C亚型Clade C
- J亚型J subtype
- A3标段A3 bid section
- A3钢管A3 steel tube
- 甲3亚型Subtype A3
- ζ亚型ζ isoform
- A3模型A3model
- Clu-A3Glu - A3
- H5亚型H5 subtype
- H7亚型H7 subtype
- Glu-A3Glu-A3