- A rising tide of discontent. 不满的潮水高涨
- a rising tide of discontent 不满的潮水高涨
- Labour swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices. 工党在对物价上涨不满的浪潮中轻而易举地重新上台。
- The first occurred on May 27 when a rising tide of hope or escapism through fantasy began. 第一次发生在5月27日,当希望或逃避现实的一波浪潮藉由梦想来开始。
- Our free market economies have surged forward on a rising tide of trade and investment. 我们的自由市场经济乘着贸易和投资地涨潮澎湃向前。
- A rising tide of divorce is taking a huge toll on the planet, warns a groundbreaking analysis of the environmental impact of divorce. 根据一份离婚对环境产生影响的开创性分析报告,不断上涨的离婚潮正对地球造成严重的不良影响。
- And it holds a piece of the Berlin Wall, a decades-long symbol of division that was finally torn down, unleashing a rising tide of globalization that continues to shape our world. 大厦里有一块柏林墙上的砖,它见证了几十年来象征分裂的柏林墙最终的倒塌,放开了仍在继续改变我们世界的全球化浪潮。
- In a rising tide of economic regionalization, facing the increasingly rising trade protectionism of the western countries, China and India should establish Free Trade Area. 在经济区城化浪潮中,面对着西方国家正在兴起的贸易保护主义,中印应该建立自由贸易区。
- The high winds coupled with a rising tide. 强风和涨潮结合在一起。
- Mitsubishi UFJ Securities of Japan plans to establish an investment banking joint venture with India's ICICI Bank, signalling a rising tide of cross-border deals between the countries. 成立一家投资银行合资公司,此举表明两国跨境交易正在呈现上升态势。
- Such alarmism reflects, to a degree, a desire by the Sunni, American-allied governments of countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to staunch what they see as a rising tide of Iranian influence. 这种危言耸听一定程度上反映了诸如埃及和沙特这些与美国同盟的逊尼派国家的政府想要遏制他们所见到的伊朗影响力不断上升的趋势的愿望。
- There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime. 犯罪率日益增长令人忧虑。
- Others predict that, without Fidel Castro's charismatic leadership, the government will have to make fundamental changes to the economy or face a rising tide of unrest among rank-and-file Cubans. 其他则预言,没有了卡斯特诺的领袖魅力,政府将会从基层开始对经济作出改变,或应古巴地带的动荡局面。
- These steps had not surprisingly produced a rising tide of anti-Japanese sentiments in China, which in turn led the Japanese to embroil themselves even more deeply into Chinese affairs. 无庸质疑,日本的种种行径在中国掀起了日益高涨的反日热潮,这反过来使得日本更加深陷于对华事务。
- The Labour Party swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices. 工党在对物价上涨不满的浪潮声中轻而易举地当选了。
- The President rode into office on a tide of discontent. 总统在一片不满声中上任了
- Reward exceptional performance, not the rising tide of the markets. 奖励杰出的表现,而不是市场的上涨趋势。
- This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪。
- There was an expression of discontent on her face. 她脸上有不满的表情。
- But 50 years on from his exile to India, the Dalai Lama is facing a growing tide of discontent over claims that his non-confrontational style of leadership is simply too soft. 但是他50年来的印度流亡生活,达赖喇嘛正面临着日益增长的对他的非对抗性的领导风格太过柔和的不满。