- A global economic super power 全球经济超级大国
- It marks a global economic role re-versal of sorts. 这代表全球某种经济角色转换。
- China has replaced the US as Japan's top trade partner, as Beijing has emerged as a global economic powerhouse. 随着中国世界经济大国地位的确立,中国已取代美国成为日本的最大。
- The UK is a world leader in the creative industries and China is a global economic powerhouse. 英国是创意型产业的世界强国,而中国是全球化经济的强国。
- The effects of a global economic slowdown would ripple into south-eastern Europe. 全球经济增长放缓的影响将波及到东南欧洲。
- It's hard to displace a global economic crisis from headlining the news, but the pigs did it. 想把如此严峻的全球性经济危机挤下报纸头条实在不是件容易事,不过猪做到了。
- It’s hard to displace a global economic crisis from headlining the news, but the pigs did it. 想把如此严峻的全球性经济危机挤下报纸头条实在不是件容易事,不过猪做到了。
- In the short term, weakness in Shanghai could spook those investors who view China as a global economic anchor. 短期而言,上证综合指数的疲软可能会打击到那些将中国视为全球经济支柱的投资者。
- They arise from the interdependence of our economies, and a global economic system which sees a widening gap between the richer and poorer parts of humanity. 这些挑战来自我们彼此间经济上的互相依赖,来自全球化的经济体制,这种体制经历了人类正在扩大的贫富差距。
- Recent political unrest in Thailand coupled with a global economic slowdown has damaged the tourism industry with many hotels reporting cancella-tions. 前一阵的国内骚动和全球经济不景气给泰国的旅游业带来沉重打击,往年游人如织的热闹景象已不复存在。
- The combination of a global influenza pandemic and a global economic crisis, both on unprecedented scales, is battering the region hard. 空前的全球性流感疫情加上前所未有的全球性经济危机,已经让这个地区不堪重负。
- By this time USA emerged as big super power. 美国此时出现大超级强国。
- Growing confidence over a global economic recovery had boosted stocks and risk appetite, denting demand for the US currency as a haven. 人们对全球经济复苏信心增强,提振了股市,增强了人们对风险的偏好,削弱了将美元作为避险工具的需求。
- Super power smash with shuttlecock...!! 速度是力量的表现!!!!!
- Earlier, Wen held talks with Brown in London where he promised to join urgent and coordinated action to avert a global economic disaster. 早些时候;温总理与布朗在伦敦举行了会谈;并且在会上他允诺加入并协调紧急的行动以应对全球金融危机.
- And that's bad news at a time when spiraling food and energy costs and a global economic slowdown make decisive action more important than ever. 值此粮价和能源价格持续飙升,及全球经济失速,使决定性的行动比任何时候都要重要之际,这实在不是什麽好消息。
- Telegraph Beijing: The over spending spree in US and over saving in China is causing a global economic imbalance at our age. 每日电邮撰文指出,中国的过度储蓄和美国的过度消费是造成目前全球金融危机的罪魁祸首之一。
- Spain at this time was the world's first super power. 此时的西班牙是世界上的头号强国。
- Oil prices have plunged almost two-thirds since striking record highs of above US$147 in July as a global economic slowdown dents world energy demand. 油价从七月份最高峰的147美金下滑到54美金。短短几个月就下滑了差不多三分之二真的实在很夸张。
- Those small states are under the umbrella of the super power. 那些小国在超级大国的庇护之下。