- A corner or cornerstone. 拐角,墙角石
- Turn the corner or turn a corner: To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone. 到达并超越了终点或里程碑。
- What will I find today in a corner or in the back of some bookshelf? 今天我会在某一个角落的某一个书架上找到什么呢?
- There was not a corner or nook in the ship, above or below, where her fairy footsteps had not glided. 轮船上下,几乎没有一个角落是她那飘飘欲仙的步履没有踏过的。
- The rowdy schoolboys and apprentices take centre stage; behind them, stitching in a corner or singing to a doll, the girls remain as ghosts. 嬉闹的男生和学徒们始终站在前台,他们身后是躲在角落里或者对着玩偶唱歌的女孩,就像一道魅影。
- The interviewer had driven her into a corner. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
- She sat hunched (up) in a corner. 她坐在角落里缩成了一团。
- They have forced him into a corner. 他们迫使他陷入困境。
- They once had a corner on the corn market. 他们曾一度垄断了玉米市场。
- A cabinet sits in a corner of the room. 房间的一角立著一只橱柜。
- The rejects were stacked in a corner. 废品堆在角落里。
- To start the travers, the quarters must leave the track or, after a corner or circle, are not brought back onto the track. 要开始执行腰内时,马的后驱要离开蹄迹线,或是在经过隅角或圈乘之后其后驱不回到蹄迹线。
- To come together or be situated on or at a corner. 聚于角落,位于角落。
- She stood in a corner with tears rolling down(her face). 她站在角落里泪珠不断地顺着面颊滚落。
- The tools shift around in the car boot every time we turn a corner. 我们每次转弯,汽车行李箱里的工具就来回动。
- The mouse-down event anchors a corner or center of the shape (or its bounding-box), the user drags to stretch out the shape to the desired size and aspect, and the mouse-up event confirms the draw. 鼠标按下的事件就确定了形状的角度或中心(或其边界),用户拖动鼠标可以把图形拉伸到期望的大小和外形,鼠标释放事件则确认这次画图完成。
- However, excluding the Carling Cup, Santa Cruz is the first opponent to score against the Reds this season from a corner or free-kick delivered into the box (Jamie Carragher scored the other). 然而,即便把联赛杯的比赛算进去,圣克鲁斯的进球是红军本赛季首次定位球丢球(卡拉格的乌龙是另一回事)。
- A bookstore on Dong An Road. It's at a corner, is not it? 东安路的一家书店,在一个拐角上,是不是?
- The children's shoes were all clumped together in a corner. 孩子们的鞋都堆在角落里。
- Drag the size bar at the corner or edge of the window. 把大小工具条拖至窗口的边角处。