- A Byzantine emperor or prince. 君主一个拜占庭帝国皇帝或王子
- A Byzantine emperor or prince 君主一个拜占庭帝国皇帝或王子
- Benedict last week cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as “evil and inhuman. 本尼迪克特上周援引东罗马帝国国王批判穆罕默德先知的话,他认为穆罕默德先知的某些教义是“邪恶和野蛮的”。
- " Justinian was a Byzantine emperor. 查士丁尼是拜占廷的一位皇帝。
- No one but a king or prince might build a castle. 除了国王或公国君主外,那时什么人都不能修建城堡。
- Used as a title for such a king or prince. 称呼这样的国王或贵族的头衔
- Mitterrand : Emperor or great architect ? 密特朗:皇帝或伟大建筑师?
- WHO rules Japan, the emperor or the shogun? 日本的统治者是谁,天皇还是将军?
- If I were king, my son, if any, would be crown prince or prince. 我若为王,我的儿子,假如我有儿子,就是太子或王子了。
- An Anglo-Saxon nobleman or prince, especially the heir to a throne. 贵族,王子:盎格鲁-撒克逊贵族或王子,尤指王室中的继承者
- One can recognise a man as an Emperor or as a grocer. 人们可以承认某人是一个皇帝,或是一个杂货商。
- The papal nuncio called on Al-Azhar, the highest seat of learning in the Sunni Muslim world, to refute the Byzantine emperor's argument. 罗马教皇特使呼吁逊尼穆斯林最高学府爱资哈尔大学指出反驳拜占庭皇帝的依据。
- This tribune was appointed by the Emperor or the Senate. 这个职位的人选由皇帝或者元老院指定。
- Sent by the Byzantine emperor Zeno to invade Italy in 488, he made himself sole ruler by 493 and murdered Odoacer by treachery. 488年拜占庭皇帝芝诺令其入侵义大利,到493年他发动叛变杀害统治者奥多亚塞并使自己成为唯一的统治者。
- Meanwhile, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius had successfully outflanked the Persian armies in Asia Minor and handed them a crushing defeat in Northern Mesopotamia. 同时,拜占庭的皇帝赫拉克略已经成功地在小亚细亚翼侧包围波斯军队,把他们挤进美索不达米亚北部,并且打败他们。
- Byzantine emperor (527-565) who held the eastern frontier of his empire against the Persians and reconquered former Roman territories in Africa, Italy, and Spain. 查斯丁尼一世:拜占庭帝国皇帝(527-565年),他占据帝国的东部疆界抵御波斯人,重新征服先前罗马在非洲、意大利和西班牙的领土
- Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor or Ethiopia, a country he ruled for44 years. 海尔·拉西被立为埃塞俄比亚皇帝。塞拉西统治埃塞俄比亚达44年之久。
- It has been suggested that he may have been an Egyptian nobleman or prince influenced by the religion of Aten, or simply sympathetic to Hebrew culture. 这也暗示了他也许是一个埃及贵族或者是王子,受到了崇拜阿托恩(埃及太阳神)的宗教影响,或者仅仅是对希伯莱文明产生同情。
- A king or prince in India ranking above a rajah,especially the sovereign of one of the former native states. 王公地位在邦主之上的印度国王或贵族,尤指从前某一土著王国的君主
- The Byzantine emperor Justinian issued an edict against the Manichaeans, and Saint Augustine, who for 9 years had been a Manichee, wrote and spoke against this heresy, as well as described his own experience in his Confessions. 拜占庭帝国君主查斯丁尼颁布发令,反对摩尼教,圣奥古斯丁,有九年时间是摩尼教徒,口头和书面上反对这种异端,他的《忏悔录》也描写了自己的经历。