- 树仔菜Sauropus androgynus
- 肉茸煲仔菜Braised Vegetables with Mashed Meat in Pot
- 菜vegetables
- 仔responsibility
- 不仅A而且not merely A but also B
- 对华南主要的8种野生蔬菜守宫木、土人参、一点红、白仔菜、紫背菜、鳄嘴花、藤三七、塘葛菜和华南特产蔬菜菜心的基本营养成分作了较全面系统的分析。The nutritive compositions of 8 kinds of main wild vegetables such as Sauropus androgynus, Talinum paniculatum, Emilia sonchifolia, Gynura divaricata, Gynura bicolor, Clinacathus nutaus, Anredera cordifolia and Nasturtium montanum were studied in South China.
- 与其说A不如说not so much A as B
- 菜鸟green hand
- 狗仔队"dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural) (It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.)"
- A股A-share
- 菜系style of cooking
- 把A误以为take A for B
- 上菜serving
- 靓仔handsome young man; a handsome boy
- 维生素Avitamin(e)
- 特色菜special
- 生仔foal
- 把A视为looked upon A as B
- 买菜buy vegetables
- 双酚Abisphenol A